
Conveyor System for Delta-Robot One

Additional system for Delta-Robot One to transport things into the robots workingspace

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This is an additional system for Delta-Robot One. It is called conveyor system. Things for example metal chips can be transported into the robots workingspace to grasp and sort them in different areas. The conveyor system extents the Delta-Robot One project and provides the posability to do some new tasks. Be creative and do some cool things with it. In the future it is planned to extend the robot and conveyor system with an image processing platform based on a Raspberry Pi 3 board.


This repository of conveyor_system provides all parts you need to build the conveyor system. Delta-Robot One and also this system are mainly designed for students and makers with an educational thought. The Conveyor System for Delta-Robot One is designed as a kit. The pluggable mechanical solution make the assembly fast and easy. Like Delta-Robot One this system is basicly build of lasercutted and 3D-printed parts. An introduction at the containing wiki provides a description of all parts including production files, drawings and a list where you can get the parts. If all the parts are produced and/or delivered the assembly steps will be described at the wiki page. The last step decribes the usage of the system with Delta-Robot One.

Direct link -> >>>Conveyor System Wiki<<<

With the help of a community (this means you) it could be a world wide educational project. Working on this project is a lot of fun. Learning something about the different topics and share it with the world is realy great. Be part of it...

This video clip show a Delta-Robot One with long pillars found at hardware parts and the Conveyor System.

We used a system like this to grasp some chips at the image processing lab of our university. We detect the chips, the colour and the velocity. In the video above you can see a simple system with no image processing. The chip is only detected by a time of flight sensor. The motor of the conveyor system and the sensor are both connected to the robots interface. This shows the possibility to extend your robot. There are interfaces provided for Gripper/GND (ON/OFF), Motor/GND (PWM max. 4A), I2C Bus (SCL/SDA), Power/GND (5V/max. 4A)

Delta-Robot One

If you don't know Delta-Robot One check out:

Hackaday Delta-Robot One

GitHub repository how_to_build_your_robot

  • 1 × DC-Motor 12V 62 RPM
  • 1 × Arduino UNO
  • 1 × Delta-Robot One

  • 1
    Conveyor System assembly

    The Conveyor System for Delta-Robot One is designed as a kit. The pluggable mechanical solution make the assembly fast and easy. Choose the colours of some parts to give the system an individual look. All in all building this system provides you with a short practical, educational and interesting experience. Now it‘s time to build your own conveyor system!

    How to build your conveyor? No worrys we create a wiki...

    Wiki: >>>Conveyor System Wiki<<<

    Conveyor System assembly video clip

  • 2
    Lasercutting Parts



    How to get the layers? There are many ways...

    • You can use a lasercutter in a Techshop/Makerspace or your School/University
    • We ordered from cutcraft a few times so we can recommend this service
    • We don't try it but with a 3D-Printer it has to be possible to create the layers too

    Be creative and choose your own design to build an individual Conveyor System.

    All drawings of the layer system are availible...


  • 3
    3D-Printed parts



    How to get the parts? No problem...

    ...we tested and created some shop items so you can easily order the required parts using this links:


    >>>Drum Drive<<<

    All drawings of the mechanics are availible...


    Optional 3D-Printed parts


    >>>Pillar Long Package<<<

View all 6 instructions

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Pascal Buerger wrote 04/18/2020 at 09:42 point

Thanks :) It would bei great If every classroom have 10 of this ;) Thanks for your ideas too, I will think about it and maybe start a project with a microscope in the future. In the moment i worked on a Raspberry Pi based image vision system for Delta-Robot One and the Conveyor System. 

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Maximiliano Rojas wrote 04/16/2020 at 05:10 point

Awesome project !!

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Ahron Wayne wrote 04/16/2020 at 02:18 point

I just discovered the delta robot one project through this one and I just want you to know that I absolutely love it. There is just so much style here. Why doesn't every classroom have 10 of these? 

My own line of thinking is that this could be a great little visual inspection system, if you think it's strong enough to carry like a USB microscope around. Especially with the conveyor belt! Put a little hopper at the very beginning and your options are endless! 

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