Information on each of the stages:
Bandpass Filter: three coupled parallel LC circuits based on W8DIZ BP filter design.
RF Amplifier: 2N3904 single RC-coupled feedback amp based on VU2ESE BITX amplifiers.
Mixer: Standard diode ring, using trifilar toroids given to me by Farhan VU2ESE.
VFO: Hartley design out of the book Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur. Main tuning capacitor from a Galaxy V transceiver (cap given to me by Pete Juliano N6QW). Coil is an Eddystone from an old pre-war English regen receiver. Tunes 455 kHz BELOW desired receiver frequency (VFO runs at 8.845 to 9.645 MHz)
IF amplifiers: 4 stages, each an RC-coupled 2N3904 feedback amp based on the BITX design.
IF Filter: a single Murata 455 kHz ceramic filter or 10kHz bandwidth. Placed between the first and second IF amplifiers.
AF amplifier: 2N3904 pre-amp followed by an LM386 chip. Circuit similar to that used in early BITX 20 design.