This build will be losely based of the Sphinx 55 CNC by Sorin Iliesu and custom plates made by Chris Laidlawh. Their design is sadly not open source and their are no plans available. The OpenLRC is designed so you can either 3d print, or cut the parts out of wood. Once you get the CNC up an running you will be able to cut the plates out of aluminum to upgrade the machine yourself. The idea for this project came after i built my MPCNC in fall of 2019. I originally built it with the plan of cutting aluminum, but sadly while very cheap, and very fun to build, the platform is just not stiff enough. The idea was I wanted to transfer all the buget parts such as nema 17 motors and tb6600 stepper drivers that I used to make the MPCNC with the intent to upgrade them later.
Hi Peter, I like to ask if you completed your work and if youcould share the files. Thank you very much !