I'm building a 2D Plotter one Twitch stream at a time. Follow me on Twitch to see updates live or check the recordings on YouTube. Links to YouTube and Twitch can be found under the external links section.
Today was an awesome day. I finally got linear motion working in both the X and Y direction. I also created a paint program in Python that can output its canvas to instructions for the 2D plotter. The end is getting closer!
I wired up the motors and switches to the Arduino. Then I wrote some basic code to control the motors and switches. Finally, I wrote a little script to make the printer head move repeatedly left - down - right - up.
The orders are slowly starting to arrive. I've also 3D printed all the parts. I was able to connect the first motor and wrote demo code to test its movement.
Just loaded all the parts needed for printing into Cura. I'll be starting printing tonight or tomorrow! Come join me live on Twitch on Tuesdays as I stream: https://www.twitch.tv/travis_the_maker
Today I decided to switch gears and setup a little circuit that would test all the components (2x stepper motors, input mechanism, screen, brain) that I'll need for the plotter. This was the result - a joystick that can increase, decrease and reset values; a screen to display the current value; and a stepper motor to position itself (0 = start, 100 = half turn, 200 = full turn) where that value is.
It looks like I made no progress, but I swear I did! I now have the foundation for motion in both directions. The first stepper motor (which controls the direction of the other stepper motor) will be with a threaded rod. The second motor will use a belt to move the painting apparatus (aka a pen, marker, etc.) around.
Sounds interesting, hope you'll post a BOM here where you're done.