
The "Calamari Kid", a 3D Printed Automaton.

The third in my series of "illusion" themed 3D printed automata.

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Never trust a Caped Calamari...

The "Calamari Kid" is the third in a series of "illusion" themed automata I've designed. With a press of the calamari kid coin ("CK"), the model performs a "shell game" themed illusion.

Inspired by the "swedish handcraft" hand cranked shell game themed automaton, this model is a battery powered motor driven electro mechanical design utilizing gears, cams, levers, arms and wheels to recreate a shell game illusion in a calamari (cooked octopus) form factor. Drawing an average of 9ma of current (maximum 14ma, minimum 7), the mechanism is easily suitable for solar powered operation.

Video is here:

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Alvaro wrote 05/15/2020 at 10:58 point

the magic chef is pretty awesome too

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 05/15/2020 at 13:16 point

Thank you Alvaro!


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Alvaro wrote 05/15/2020 at 10:55 point

(my guess is you mechanically position the 2 big magnets below to pull each ball, while the 3 small magnets hold them in place in the cups)

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 05/15/2020 at 13:19 point

Hi Alvaro,

Each "cup" has a small magnet in the top strong enough to hold the ball bearing when the arms are lifted.

A 16 position geneva wheel moves a magnet holder (containing two larger magnets) under the table top to one of the three cups positions.  When the two magnets are under a cup, they are strong enough to hold the ball bearing on the table.

Hope that helps!


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Alvaro wrote 05/15/2020 at 10:52 point

It's hard to follow the trick without looking at a ton of pictures or the stls... I just gave up, I can't spend 20 minutes on this! I have my own ideas on how it could work but it's really not worth the effort...

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 05/15/2020 at 13:19 point

Hi Again Alvaro,

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand you comment.


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Michael Gardi wrote 05/15/2020 at 13:19 point

Sorry but I’m my humble opinion understanding how something works, especially something as clever and well done as this, is always worth the effort. 

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 05/12/2020 at 19:12 point

Hi Dan!

Thank you very much!

And I'm glad you know how it works, I designed it and I'm still not sure!



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Dan Maloney wrote 05/12/2020 at 19:05 point

Another great one, Greg! I even think I know how it works...

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 05/14/2020 at 22:09 point

Hi again Dan!

I finally finished and published the details so now you can confirm your thoughts on how it works!


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