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Desktop prototype Hoist Spool. 3D printed
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Spool Gear
Gear that marries to the Spool Motor and the Spool for the Desktop Prototype Hoist. 3D printed
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2mm dia neo magnets
Embed in the Spool gears and track gears to trigger hall effect sensors
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A1344 Hall Effect Sensors
Measures how much the track gears and spool gears have turned for a secondary absolute measurement(not yet coded)
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Right Track Gear Cover Part 1
covers the track gear and contains A1344 sensors
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Right Track Gear Cover Part 2
Second part of the track gear cover for securing A1344 sensor terminals
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Left Track Gear Cover Part 1
covers the track gear and contains A1344 sensors
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Left Track Gear Cover Part 2
Second part of the track gear cover for securing A1344 sensor terminals
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Track Wheel
8 per Hoist. 4 top, 4 bottom. Interfaces with the grid pieces for a smoother z Axis movement. 3D Printed
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25mm (int) 32mm (ext) diameter Needle Bearing
Fits between Hoist Housing and Spool for smooth operation of spool.
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Diamond Extruder
3 feed PLA/ABS extruder - example https://www.amazon.co.uk/HILABEE-Printer-Diamond-Extruder-Nozzels/dp/B07ZFV37CP/ref=sr_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=Diamond+extruder&qid=1591046446&s=diy&sr=1-13-catcorr
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Extruder Holder
Interfaces with extruder and Hoist Cables. 3D Printed
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Spool Motor
Motor that drives the spool system. Either 10RPM or 30RPM 6v DC motors have bee tested. Example https://www.amazon.co.uk/sourcingmap-10RPM-Torque-Shaft-Solder/dp/B01ES98QSG/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-p13n1_0?cv_ct_cx=6v+10rpm+motor&dchild=1&keywords=6v+10rpm+motor&link_code=qs&pd_rd_i=B01ES98QSG&pd_rd_r=d3dc4248-296f-4e4f-abcc-e54d7691688d&pd_rd_w=9zHzT&pd_rd_wg=4ClZe&pf_rd_p=e3a968a9-db34-4cb6-962f-ddcde7323cf7&pf_rd_r=N30XEBVVAYKTDM9TPEWS&psc=1&qid=1591045314&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=1-1-91e9aa57-911e-4628-99b3-09163b7d9294
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Cable Clip
Connects to extruder and Hoist Cables to make it easier to detach the extruder. 3D Printed
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1m 1.5mm dia thread/cable
String is used for the spool cable.
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1m 12v wire
3 colours needed for positive, negative and signal.
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12mm length 2mm dia Bolts
majority of bolts can be this length
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2mm int dia nuts
majority of nuts can be this dia
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Main "Foot" piece of the structure. 3d Printed
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Foot Cover
the foot piece has a recess for filling with weighting material and this covers it once filled. 3D Printed
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Grid Piece
Hoist interface with this for z axis movement. actual number varies depending on desired height of print envelope
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Top Grid Piece
Final top piece of the Leg structure. Provides hard stop. 3D Printed
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Foot Support End
Part of foot support scaffolding that connects to Feet. 3D Printed
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Spool Motor Cover
Cover for the terminals of the Spool motor. 3D Printed
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Foot Support Mid
Actual number varies. Fitting more of these will increase the print envelope. 3D Printed
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3 Toes per foot provide the leg with more support. 3D Printed
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6mm (ext) 3mm (int) dia Toe Insert
fits to feet (3 per) to provide a method of adjusting each toe to change the leg angle of ascent.
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16mm length 3mm dia bolt
Bolt for adjusting the toes
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Top Support
Part of the top scaffolding that connects to the grid top pieces. 3D Printed
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Top Support Mid
Actual number varies. Fitting more of these will increase the print envelope. 3D Printed
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Top Support Center
Center piece of each side of the printer. Allows for adjusting the width of the printer at the top to match the bottom. 3D Printed
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20mm 3mm dia bolt
for securing the top center support
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3mm dia nut
for securing the top center support
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Arduino Mega
for controlling the desktop prototype printer motors and reading the Hall effect sensors
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Track Motor
Drives the track gears - 6v 10RPM - example https://www.amazon.co.uk/sourcingmap-10RPM-Torque-Shaft-Solder/dp/B01ES98QSG/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-p13n1_0?cv_ct_cx=6v+10rpm+motor&dchild=1&keywords=6v+10rpm+motor&link_code=qs&pd_rd_i=B01ES98QSG&pd_rd_r=d3dc4248-296f-4e4f-abcc-e54d7691688d&pd_rd_w=9zHzT&pd_rd_wg=4ClZe&pf_rd_p=e3a968a9-db34-4cb6-962f-ddcde7323cf7&pf_rd_r=N30XEBVVAYKTDM9TPEWS&psc=1&qid=1591045314&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=1-1-91e9aa57-911e-4628-99b3-09163b7d9294
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L293D Stepper Motor Driver
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Needs processing 3. for sending commands to the arduino.
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Track Gear
Marries to the track motor and grid pieces. 3D Printed
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Track Motor Cover
Covers the terminals of the motor. 3D Printed
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Hoist Housing
Body of the Hoist module. 3D Printed
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Gearbox cover
cover for spool cable runner step down gearbox. 3D Printed
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Hoist Nozzle
Spool cable runner nozzle for feeding out the cable. 3D Printed