
State of play

A project log for Control Media player with Pro Micro

Control the Mpxplay Media player with just a Pro Micro, Rotary Encoder and a little Nokia 5110 display... (any OS including DOS)

michael-otooleMichael O'Toole 05/20/2020 at 23:561 Comment

In the images I posted a Fritzing image so you can build and test on a breadboard but as PCB's are low cost these days I made one to make my life easier... waiting  for their arrival...

In the mean time the software is close to complete with the current features implemented.

Can control: Volume, Bass, Treble and Surround Sound.

To add: Select track to play (basically is simply pushes and UP or DOWN arrow to move the cursor to the desired track, pressing the rotary encode plays that track...

In theory anything in the mpxplay.ini can be handles by the Pro Micro so complete control should be possible.... more later....


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Michael O'Toole wrote 05/21/2020 at 00:31 point

Just to mention, my 5110 works perfectly at 5 volts, I know because I ordered the 3.3 volt version and when it arrived I connected without checking. I later found out it was the 5 volt version as uploading using the 3.3 volt option in the IDE was problematic.

After checking the onboard reg I realised it was 5 volts version so I chose this option in the IDE and it worked flawlessly and has been for weeks. The Nokia 5100 doesn't appear harmed but I would recommend you use the 3.3V version just in case...

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