Everything in the world is CRAP!
06/12/2020 at 03:23 • 0 commentsSpent the whole day today trying to get a nice picture through OpenCV. Can't get it to work. It looks OK in Guvcview but only if I toggle the resolution and wiggle the Brightness control ! In addition it works only on high (1920x1080) and medium (1280x720) resolutions. Maybe I should cross my fingers, get a rabbit's foot for good luck and spit over my left shoulder? Can't even see the dots in VLC with which I took that nice snapshot yesterday any more! What is wrong with the world? Everything is broken! But hey, look on the bright side, we got lots of pretty buttons on the web - the ultimate achievement of this civilization :)
First test
06/11/2020 at 06:45 • 0 commentsJoystick seems to be working well. Gently pressing one side of the button seems to dim the fibers slowly as intended! Fibers are illuminated by a 3 mm red LED. The LED is powered by 2 AAA batteries through a resistor. Here is how they look in the camera:
First impression is that the button(s) can be pressed too deep on one side blocking the light on all fibers. I will make the lid thicker to prevent this. Also, I think I am going to turn the "X" in the joystick body 45 degrees to make it easier to read the joystick... I though having 2 fibers dim when one corner is pressed would be better but it might be the opposite.