Next On The Agenda 11/4
11/04/2020 at 18:41 • 0 comments1. Build Thrust and wattage table
2. Test wattage and thrust is current prop choice. 10x4.5
3. Weigh new manufactured PCB Meanwell PSU boards
4. attach connectors to the psu
5. Perform a burn in test to 500 watts continuously and monitor temps as well while doing so.
6. test run one psu with 2 motors running full throttle, check wattage and make sure the psu can handle the continuous use.
7. Load firmware onto the new Pix Hawk PX4 FMU.
8. Swap out 6 of the ESCs for the new 420 models so they whole layer are matching equipment.
9. 3D print mounts and fan shrouds for the new PSU printed circuit boards. They need constant airflow of at least 25 cfm, hopefully we can avoid this with clever positioning of the board close to the prop wash.
10. After new equipment swapped the air frame needs to be balanced from the back again.
Moving from Proto Board to Printed Circuit
11/04/2020 at 18:07 • 0 commentsHello guys, I am putting a couple posts in here and I will move some pictures from my phone. I assessed the damage and ordered parts for the next version. As stated in the most recent flight the 220v Step UP converter pushed well over 275 volt thresh hold causing damage to one ESC and also the sensors on the Pixhawk no longer worked. A couple of ESCs were not spinning up the props as fast , they seemed to only have half the throttle response. That being said we have a few parts that just arrived.
7 of the DJI 420 ESCs because the e300 have been discontinued buying individually.
1 Radiolink Pixhawk PX4 set to replace this one
2-2212kv motors to swap the overvolted motors that were not putting out full power.
Since the machine is basically grounded at this moment I took the time to move from Proto Board lightweight power supplies to subcompact light ones made for me from Meanwell special order. They are .4kg each, right at 1 pound, so 4 (2000 watts worth) is approx. 4 pounds. I will weight them and give comparisons with pictures too.
I am building a wattage test bench as well to tune the power supplies to the motors, adjusting voltage so we arrive at the best sweet spot for wattage to lift ratio. Right now the estimated mas is 22 pounds of thrust/lift, but this needs to be confirmed using the new power supplies. Surprisingly these power supplies only run a bout 108 dollars each where I think I spent around 230 each building my own. I guess Prototyping always costs more money than the end product !!
Pictures Outside During the Golden Hour
10/05/2020 at 22:25 • 0 commentsmore pics outside after a test flight, the boost up converter (110v to 220v) is defective and pumped over 280 volts into the PSUs. The flight electronic appear to be ok but now it tips to one side when I tested it after the 220v boost up converter did the bad thing. That being said I can swap to another couple PSUs or rebuild what I have. Anyways this is version 3 so I already have some videos of it flying at the moment. It is a proof of concept, with continued improvement. I’m taking a break for the evening.
Hackaday Prize Sponsor Plate Added
10/05/2020 at 12:19 • 0 comments -
Airframe Balanced
10/05/2020 at 11:25 • 0 commentsI had to balance and adjust 4-5 times to get the drone to sit label balanced on the tips of the motor shafts. The power supply rack needed to slide forward over an inch as well as the 5G dish. Zip ties on the front and back of the rails keep the power supplies in the balanced position. Any changes in the future require this balance to be adjusted to keep the power consumption down for extended hovering.
Cable Management Done... So pretty
10/05/2020 at 10:23 • 0 comments -
ESC Cable Management
10/04/2020 at 23:04 • 0 comments -
NEW AC to DC module 40 x 80 mm Heatsinks
10/03/2020 at 22:41 • 0 comments -
Now that’s a WAP !
10/03/2020 at 20:55 • 0 commentsWireless Access Point... :)
All 12 of the ESC power wires, the pixhawk power, RC receiver power, Nav LEDs, 2 POE injectors and more need to have ends terminated, soldered and connected. Also I like to label stuff which is super helpful when you need to troubleshoot. -
FAA Registration Plate Installed
10/03/2020 at 15:25 • 0 comments3D printed FAA Registration Plate for UAV / Drones Part 107.