On the way to go
08/06/2014 at 19:49 • 0 commentsHello Guys,
I have been working on the C code for the project, and made some serious advances of it. I am being able to read the RFID tag and count a time, so it knows exactly when (in time) that exact card was read; It means that I am one step closer to the final system, that will control and log the runner's cards.
I am also being able to display the card ID and the time on a 16x2 LCD display, which is helping me debug the system.
Today is only August 6th, so we are really on schedule with the project. Expect some field tests for the next two weeks :) .
Bluetooth module - tested
07/25/2014 at 06:56 • 0 commentsHello hackers, today I successfully tested my Bluetooth communication module (which I bought from a random eBay seller). The part number of this Bluetooth module is HC-05 and it connects directly to a 4-pin connector on my Freescale FRDM-K64F dev board, being supplied with 3.3V.
I am connecting my board to a PC via USB-serial (and using a terminal on PC) and the Bluetooth module to an Android cellphone, with an app called Blueterm. The code used for testing it is a simple "mirror": it gets info I type on the Android App and sends it to the PC terminal, and the other way around as well (text typed on PC is sent to the App on Android cellphone). The code I used is available on mBed platform and on my GitHub (links on the left side of this page).
Schematic drawing of this connection can be seen below:
Next step will be testing the RFID tag reader and HC-05 Bluetooth together, reading cards and sending info to the cellphone and PC.
RFID tag reader - tested
07/22/2014 at 18:19 • 0 commentsI have tested the RFID tag reader board I bought on eBay (based on MFRC522 chip), hooked up to my Freescale FRDM-K64F board; it reads the ID and type of each tag and sends it via serial to my computer; The code is already available on GitHub (link in the left side of this page). Next step is to test my bluetooth module :) .
All the hardware in my hands
07/21/2014 at 22:18 • 0 commentsHello Voters, Hackers!
Last week I got all the hardware I was in need to keep working on the project, shipped form China: One Bluetooth module and the RFID reader with some cards; This week I will be working on the code for both bluetooth and RFID.
Started coding
07/07/2014 at 23:02 • 0 commentsJust started coding for the project. We started coding the Freescale ARM processor in the mBed platform, using the already available Bluetooth and RFID libraries; I have already included the GitHub link to the repository. There has been an effort from the team to set up a initial version of the Android App as well.
We haven't received any of the hardware ordered, so testing is out of question for the next week at least. Once we get our hands on it, there will even be a field test for you guys to watch on youtube.
We will keep you updated on the advances of the project.