
high quality scans of liner notes

Adobe Portable Document Format - 18.32 MB - 07/31/2020 at 20:40


Defcon A1.wav

Track A1 from Defcon media server, drop me in an oscilloscope!

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 33.15 MB - 07/25/2020 at 05:31


Defcon B6.wav

Track B6 from Defcon media server, drop me in an oscilloscope!

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 24.64 MB - 07/25/2020 at 05:31


DC28 - Lanyard Symbols.png

Lanyard symbols, numbered based on order of appearance in this orientation. Symbols 1 / 9 and 4 / 8 are flipped copies; however, rotating the blocks they appear in doesn't seem useful for reducing the number of symbols

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.13 MB - 07/24/2020 at 21:17
