
Room Cleaning Robot - Detect and pick up toys

(Room Size Claw Robot) 4 Brushless Actuators (ESP-32) for Position Control (Skycam). 3 RC servos for Claw. Maixduino for object detection.

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Arduino Compatible Brushless controllers from this project with multi-turn absolute magnetic encoder. Beaded string drive (Vertical Blind cord) in four corners of the room. Claw uses the RC servos with the electronics removed and replaced with a custom triple H-Bridge Driver, good current feedback and SAMD21 running an Arduino compatible controller. Visual Studio .Net application runs the show. RS485 comms to the Brushless Actuators and Bluetooth comms to the thee servos. The claw is battery powered.Stuffed animal objected detection using Maixduino and the OV2640 camera module. Machine learning requires multiple images of the same object taken at different angles with different backgrounds. My daughter has over 200 stuffed toys, so her room can get a little messy. The pla

  • Maixduino AI, machine learning and object detection

    Paul Gould08/29/2020 at 16:50 2 comments

    New Maixduinos RISC-V AI and machine learning dev kits arrived yesterday but shipped with the wrong camera. Swapped out camera from ESP-CAM, loaded the demo and it can detect supposably 1000 items. It does an ok job. Lighting is important. Object is Stig’s helmet. 

    Now to train it on stuffed toys to complete the room cleaning robot.

  • It works! Three axis plus claw from Xbox Controller

    Paul Gould08/03/2020 at 15:50 0 comments

    This is my daughter's idea after getting frustrated/losing at Timezone's claw machines. She helped with the wiring, installation and setup. Thanks mini-maker Sienna.

    Xbox controller is modified and the pot signals go into a Sparkfun's SAMD21 dev board which sends pot positions via USB to the Visual Studio .Net app.

    The motors are limited to about 2 Watts (kid mode) . 0.5kg counter weights keeps the beaded cord on the pulley without skipping. The absolute encoder with multi-turn software counter keeps track of the cord's length.

    She has some pretty condescending thoughts on how to improve the current design. But it's such a great daddy-daughter project. 

    This is the spare room (old nursery). The claw moves to one of the upper corner when not in use. 

  • Pre-Installation

    Paul Gould07/28/2020 at 15:35 0 comments

    Power and RS485 wiring harness

    Software application

  • Delta/Hang Printer Actuators

    Paul Gould07/25/2020 at 17:41 0 comments

  • Triple Robot Servo H-Bridge Controller

    Paul Gould07/25/2020 at 17:08 0 comments

    Custom Triple H-Bridge (DRV8874) with current feedback. SAMD21 Arduino Zero Compatible Controller. RS485, UART, Qwiic I2C, EEPROM I2C, USB and H-Bridge Temp Sensor.

    3D printed housing and fingers. RN-42 Bluetooth Controller, OLED display and 2S LiPo.

    Missing Decimal place for the Current.

    5-Pin connector for the servo. Motor +, Motor -, 3V3, 0V & Pot feedback.

    I had some problems with Pin Mapping on the SAMD21 so there are wire links for the UART-TX and RX lines and the REF Pin can't be used as an Analog Input pin.

View all 5 project logs

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KentOdom1 wrote 08/02/2022 at 07:30 point

It's a good item. With more than ten years of experience, a company by the name of offers a range of cleaning services, including dryer vent cleaning. Our goal is to continue providing you with high-caliber service and information. In terms of the cleaning services we offer, we are experts. Visit this Facebook page for home cleaning for more details. We employ the best equipment and knowledge to provide you with the best solutions for your home or company.

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Karl-Wilhelm Wacker wrote 12/12/2020 at 14:40 point

From your comment, I would guess you do not have a child, or you would need a cleaning service several times a day for their room. [unless UK kids are much less messy than US kids?]  Back in the late 70's, I used much lower tech devices for my daughters room: a toy chest and a plastic snow shovel. ;-)

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RĂ¼diger Koch-Kukies wrote 08/31/2020 at 10:49 point

Great work Paul!

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rand3289 wrote 07/28/2020 at 06:42 point

World's first kids room clean up machine? Awesome!  Every parent's dream.  There is a potential for a commercial product there.

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Paul Gould wrote 07/28/2020 at 15:54 point

My daughter has over 200 stuffed toys and I can hardly see her floor. I've got a Pixy2 cam coming so hopefully it can help tidy up her room. I will test it in the spare room first.

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Dan Maloney wrote 07/27/2020 at 18:46 point

Looks like a blast! Would love to see a video of it in action.

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Paul Gould wrote 07/28/2020 at 15:49 point

It's a bit of fun and gets the kids involved. I've still got a bit to do before it is up and running. Then I'll make a YouTube video.

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Mike Turvey wrote 08/02/2020 at 23:28 point

I've gotta agree-- can't wait to see video of this!

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Paul Gould wrote 08/03/2020 at 12:55 point

Just got manual mode fully working. Little Sienna can move it via a Xbox controller.

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