
MrkII TechSpider

A Medium cost, open-source, 3D printed, quadruped robot platform for researching and fun

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The MrkII TechSpider is an open-source, 3D printed, quadruped robot platform.
The front is designed to be customizable for any type of module. There for the modules can be easily swaped. On the backside is a container for the microcontroller. This will change to a smaller version, or can be designed smaller, that depends on which controller you like to use.

The robot is designed for a minimum build area of 140x140mm
Used material is PLA with a 0.4 nozzle and 30% infill.

To prevent unnesesary copies and not up-to-date file, there for all files are central accessible on the link below:

  • BOM of all hardware
  • STL files
  • Captured images
  • PCB Gerber files
  • Software for each module and a early neuro network function


Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 428.52 kB - 04/02/2021 at 23:19



TechSpider Front Distr PCB

JPEG Image - 5.62 MB - 08/09/2020 at 19:28



TechSpider Backside Distr PCB

JPEG Image - 3.82 MB - 08/09/2020 at 19:28




JPEG Image - 4.35 MB - 08/09/2020 at 19:28



TechSpider Front Connector PCB

JPEG Image - 4.02 MB - 08/09/2020 at 19:28


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TechSpiderbot wrote 08/28/2020 at 05:55 point

The caps help for now against weird movements from the servos by starting up, because the servos ask totally a high current when powering on from my power supply.

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Jacob David C Cunningham wrote 08/29/2020 at 01:21 point

Oh man! I have that problem too haha, or at least while my ESP is binding to the WiFi it jitters the same as the blue led blinks then stabilizes.

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Jacob David C Cunningham wrote 08/25/2020 at 19:41 point

man that thing is hot! haha, did you consider masses/moments on the servos? Seems like all your servos are the same size. The 4-legs is interesting, I'm guessing it is like a tripod where 1 leg moves a time?

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TechSpiderbot wrote 08/28/2020 at 03:53 point

yes all servos are the same size except the coxa joint. It could be programmed like a tripod for walking. But giving it a learning algorithm can be interesting to see how it will evolve moving through obstacles.

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Jacob David C Cunningham wrote 08/28/2020 at 05:04 point

I just noticed the caps, are those functional? Looks cool. The learning thing is interesting, I personally am looking into the obstacle thing myself. A house has irregular objects, some harder to detect than others vs. just a wall.

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