Sneak peek at a Bittino setup complete with BittinoDEV, a Programmer and Protoboard.
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More info coming soon!

Sneak peek at a Bittino setup complete with BittinoDEV, a Programmer and Protoboard.
What you guys thinks?
More info coming soon!
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Love it man!
Ive just ordered an Arduino programming shield so I can move towards flashing ATMega328s (and reflashing dead nanos) using a dedicated Arduino Uno.
This setup looks perfect for that way of working, and only half the size of an Uno!
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Thanks Craig!
The general idea it’s to have a board to program and physically test the sketch program, done that, just unplug Bittino and mount it directly on the final product (stripboard, custom PCB, etc..).
By the way, also busy working on a UART protocol to allow multi Bittino flashing in place from a single programmer! ;)
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Superb man, that is superb!
Are those outer spaces for headers breadboard compatible? Would be awesome for the prototyping phase to have the programmer plugged into a breadboard with all the components you need to test it attached.
Multi flashing sounds awesome too man - just hurry up and get some on sale so I can get some ha ha ha!
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Yes Craig! Those headers are spaced to be breadboard compatible! ;)
Ahahaha thanks man! Working really hard to finish the project and make it to Tindie.
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