It is not particularly elegant application, and probably performance can be better, but it works and helps me a lot.
Obviously, the intended simplicity has lots of drawbacks, but in typical user-case scenario they are negligible. For starters, it works only on windows
The logic behind is following:
- SW grabs data from COM port until NewLine char ("\n") appears.
- Then, if specified, it cuts the beginning of the string at a given group of characters.
- and then it searched for numbers in that strings using following chars as separators:
{" ", ":", ";", ",", "/", "\t", "_", "="}
Basically it works pretty much with any text payload with numbers in it.
Log option sends all the incoming strings into txt file that is generated on software start or when "new file" button is clicked.
visualization has very limited capabilities but you can select which curves to show and it rescales the plot every now and then. Doubleclick on the plot restarts the plot from the beginning.
the sourcecode can be found here along with installers and compiled portable version (146kb):