

Ground Penetrating Radar using Arduino

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This project developed a very low cost (under 300 USD components cost) Ground Penetrating Radar. The acquired data can be visualized onboard, in real time, as well as stored and transferred to a PC for further processing.
The digital section uses an Arduino Mega 2560 board.
The onboard visualization uses an LCD shield for Arduino Mega 2560.
The analog section is custom built.
The frequency range is 323 MHz - 910 MHz.

The construction and software files contain the complete information for building the project.

Arduino and PC (in LabVIEW 2013) software source code

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Operation instructions

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Antennas - New version of antennas, must be printed on double-sided PCB FR4 laminate size A4 (210 x 297 mm). PDF for Toner Transfer construction (Top layer mirrored) and GERBER files

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PCB images in PDF for Toner Transfer PCB construction (Top layer mirrored), and schematics

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OrCAD 9.2 design files and Gerber for Low Frequency board

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View all 9 files

  • 1 × Arduino Mega 2560
  • 1 × LCD TFT 3.2 inch + slot SD card shield for Arduino Mega LCD TFT 3.2 inch 480 x 320 Pixels + slot SD card, using HX8357 chip
  • 1 × JTOS-850VW+ VCO
  • 1 × PAT-10+ RF Attenuator
  • 2 × PSA4-5043+ LNA

View all 49 components

  • 19.10.2020

    Mirel Paun10/19/2020 at 14:14 0 comments

    System tested on a bridge. This is the GPR image obtained for the bridge in the photo:

  • 08.10.2020

    Mirel Paun10/08/2020 at 16:03 0 comments

    System tested and works fine.

    Antenna coupling is quite high. Would be nice placing the antennas at a bigger distance from each other, or using more directive antennas in order to reduce unwanted coupling.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Board stack.
  • 2
    Board stack in box

    This is how the electronic boards are stacked.

  • 3
    RF (GPR_RF) board top.

View all 9 instructions

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Mike wrote 12/08/2024 at 22:09 point

I’ve been working on building one of these and have the arduino, display, RF, and LF  board stack completed, tested, and functioning. But for the antennas, there are 2 gerbers for the top and bottom, so do those go on each side of the same board, or is each layer a separate antenna? And the drawing seems to suggest that they should be separated by 100cm, but that’s not what the pictures show. 

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Test_username wrote 11/02/2024 at 19:18 point

Thank you for designing this project. I tried to make the cards by buying the PCB on JLCPCB but some layers are reversed. This is probably due to an export error from Orcad.
Can you provide the design in ODB++ format please ?

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manjusara54 wrote 08/20/2024 at 05:55 point

Hello, I couldnot find .opj file for the RF? Could you please upload. Would really appreciate 

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jeanpierretayeh wrote 08/07/2024 at 17:44 point

hi can anyone give an approximate estimate of depth penetration in soil ?

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JungleAnonymous wrote 02/19/2024 at 16:09 point

Good evening, I noticed in the diagram the components LMV772 and MCP4725, in the photos the 772 has 6 pins but they only exist at 8 pins.. while the MCP4725 has 8 pins in the photo but I can only find them at 6 pins.. what was mounted on the card instead of the ones in the diagram? can someone help me? what did you mount on the card? do you have any alternatives for me? Thank you.

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hamidullahhasin62 wrote 02/11/2024 at 13:41 point

Hello everyone, my name is Hamdallah, I am from Afghanistan, thank you for sharing your project
I have a problem in the uploading part of the program and an error during uploading. includ Arduino fft.h. I couldn't do anything with all my efforts

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franbrendan wrote 06/14/2024 at 06:50 point

Hi , use the manage library command , search for fft then   add arduinofft, Use 1.62 I think as the latest errors out. I've just started looking at this [project, 

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hamidullahhasin62 wrote 02/11/2024 at 13:40 point

Hello everyone, my name is Hamdallah, I am from Afghanistan, thank you for sharing your project

I have a problem in the uploading part of the program and an error during uploading. includ Arduino fft.h. I couldn't do anything with all my efforts

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Francisco wrote 09/25/2023 at 21:14 point


What is the license of the project, I mean, could I reproduce it (or part) for educational and non commercial purposes?


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saminzarif01 wrote 08/21/2023 at 18:32 point

Can anyone please tell me the purpose of the GPR_JF board?? What does it do??

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aksuerdogan79 wrote 08/10/2023 at 18:47 point

Hello. Can you post all the documentation of this GPR project? I need inter-board connection project.

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aksuerdogan79 wrote 08/10/2023 at 18:46 point

Hello. Can you post all the documentation of this GPR project? I need inter-board connection project.

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muja22h wrote 07/04/2023 at 11:52 point

hi i am doing this project and i am stuck with antenna part , idk how to do it! if anyone can help that will be amazing.

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hectorcarrizo700 wrote 05/01/2023 at 18:36 point

Hi , I would like buy also all the project  from you ?

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ULSO wrote 02/16/2023 at 22:47 point


Is there anychance that i could buy this from you?

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bazoozoo wrote 02/11/2023 at 18:19 point

Smaller compact Vivaldi array to try

the dimensions are 130mm x 120mm x 20mm for the dual substrate (idea is to use 2 single sided pcbs with epoxy filling in between, maybe expandite foam {lightweight} ) . or just use standard double-sided pcb. BW= 250 - 10000 MHz Gain ~17dB.

You can read more on Vivaldi antennae here & have fun making your own to suit your purpose.

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bazoozoo wrote 02/23/2023 at 09:59 point

In the range.  (colour black) & (colour blue)

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bazoozoo wrote 03/02/2023 at 13:08 point

Keen on doing your own, you must understand about the substrate (FR4 or similar ~120mm ~130mm cost is around ~$700 & you need 2 of them (antennas), here, just quickly with pictures, .

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muja22h wrote 07/04/2023 at 11:52 point

hi i am doing this project and i am stuck with antenna part , idk how to do it!
if you can help that will be amazing 
also you provide an link "" i cant find the sizes to create the pcb

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bazoozoo wrote 02/11/2023 at 05:41 point

@miricip  This project right to go, I have found board shop that will make the RF&LF board for me (i could do myself but lack the time etc.) They will assemble also, so it`s just a matter of connecting to the arduino mega. roughly quoted @ 100usd per board just upload the 2 zip folders LF & RF. ( Someone else stated/questioned the 100k pot, doesn`t quite match the silkscreen. albeit, one of the resistors {2 in that group of components} (which one) could be replaced with a variable resistor (make an earth connect) right?.  

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dobrink wrote 06/07/2023 at 15:29 point

Did you have the boards built and assembled? How did that go? What was your solution for the Vivaldi array?

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bazoozoo wrote 02/09/2023 at 13:33 point

Hi any other visualization software work with this? labview2013 not obtainable even on community download. OR VI converter? . looked at snuffler (works with gradiometer well) and  but as I haven`t built it yet IDK. thanks

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masoud.dop wrote 02/22/2023 at 22:52 point

use Matlab spectogram

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JungleAnonymous wrote 02/08/2023 at 09:54 point

Hello, I would like to make the project, but I can't find some things in the diagrams, 1) how the LF board is attached to the Arduino.. on which pins?  2) I see 4 resistors under the Arduino, where are they soldered?  3) in the photo of the LF card there is a 100k potentiometer that I can't find in the diagram.. can anyone help me?  I would be grateful to you..

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bazoozoo wrote 02/11/2023 at 06:30 point


2) check the connection image, connect diag. png in the list of 8 files. (digital pins 3,5,6,7 )

3) quizzing that myself, swap a static resistor for adjustment perhaps, there`s 2 in that area going by the silkscreen, on the picture i see variabe resistor 3 legs, looks like only 2 are used, go with the schematic /bom values & silk placement perhaps?

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Bachirbennaoui wrote 02/02/2023 at 19:49 point

هذا رائع و جيد جدًا - الرجاء المساعدة في إرسال صور للوحات الإلكترونية من الأعلى والأسفل


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Bachirbennaoui wrote 02/02/2023 at 19:43 point

Thank you Can you add the gerber file for the pcb print please

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