Main verilog HDL code
11/02/2020 at 04:02 • 0 comments// Main module - the ports for the FPGA, register map handling module spi_pwm_micro_test( input wire clk, // 50 MHz clock, pin 27 input wire bar_ss, // SPI chip select, pin 93 input wire mosi, // SPI master output, pin 92 input wire sck, // SPI clock, pin 99 output wire miso, // SPI sidekick output, pin 101 output wire led1, // LED1 pin 132 output wire led2, // LED2 pin 134 output wire led3, // LED3 pin 135 output wire led4, // LED4 pin 140 output wire led5, // LED5 pin 141 output wire pwm_wire0, // PIN 60 output wire pwm_wire1, // PIN 59 output wire pwm_wire2, // PIN 56 output wire pwm_wire3, // PIN 55 output wire pwm_wire4, // PIN 47 output wire pwm_wire5, // PIN 46 output wire pwm_wire6, // PIN 43 output wire pwm_wire7); // PIN 41 ////// // Register map reg [31:0] max_count_0; reg [31:0] compare_val_0; reg [31:0] max_count_1; reg [31:0] compare_val_1; reg [31:0] max_count_2; reg [31:0] compare_val_2; reg [31:0] max_count_3; reg [31:0] compare_val_3; reg [31:0] max_count_4; reg [31:0] compare_val_4; reg [31:0] max_count_5; reg [31:0] compare_val_5; reg [31:0] max_count_6; reg [31:0] compare_val_6; reg [31:0] max_count_7; reg [31:0] compare_val_7; // Initial values for the register map initial begin max_count_0 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_0 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_1 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_1 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_2 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_2 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_3 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_3 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_4 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_4 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_5 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_5 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_6 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_6 <= 32'h017D7840; max_count_7 <= 32'h02FAF080; compare_val_7 <= 32'h017D7840; end ////// // Registers for the SPI interface wire spi_ready_write_data; wire spi_ready_read_data; wire [7:0] spi_register_address; wire [31:0] spi_write_data; reg [31:0] spi_read_data; initial begin spi_read_data <= 32'h00000000; end // SPI module spi_interface spi0(clk, bar_ss, mosi, sck, miso, spi_ready_write_data, spi_ready_read_data, spi_register_address, spi_write_data, spi_read_data); // Register map in/out always @(negedge clk) begin // Writing registers if (spi_ready_write_data == 1'b1) begin case (spi_register_address) 8'd1 : max_count_0 <= spi_write_data; 8'd2 : compare_val_0 <= spi_write_data; 8'd3 : max_count_1 <= spi_write_data; 8'd4 : compare_val_1 <= spi_write_data; 8'd5 : max_count_2 <= spi_write_data; 8'd6 : compare_val_2 <= spi_write_data; 8'd7 : max_count_3 <= spi_write_data; 8'd8 : compare_val_3 <= spi_write_data; 8'd9 : max_count_4 <= spi_write_data; 8'd10 : compare_val_4 <= spi_write_data; 8'd11 : max_count_5 <= spi_write_data; 8'd12 : compare_val_5 <= spi_write_data; 8'd13 : max_count_6 <= spi_write_data; 8'd14 : compare_val_6 <= spi_write_data; 8'd15 : max_count_7 <= spi_write_data; 8'd16 : compare_val_7 <= spi_write_data; endcase end else if (spi_ready_read_data == 1'b1) begin case (spi_register_address) 8'd0 : spi_read_data <= 32'hB7AADA2F; 8'd1 : spi_read_data <= max_count_0; 8'd2 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_0; 8'd3 : spi_read_data <= max_count_1; 8'd4 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_1; 8'd5 : spi_read_data <= max_count_2; 8'd6 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_2; 8'd7 : spi_read_data <= max_count_3; 8'd8 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_3; 8'd9 : spi_read_data <= max_count_4; 8'd10 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_4; 8'd11 : spi_read_data <= max_count_5; 8'd12 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_5; 8'd13 : spi_read_data <= max_count_6; 8'd14 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_6; 8'd15 : spi_read_data <= max_count_7; 8'd16 : spi_read_data <= compare_val_7; default : spi_read_data <= 32'h00000000; endcase end end ////// // PWM modules pwm_module pwm0(clk, max_count_0, compare_val_0, pwm_wire0); pwm_module pwm1(clk, max_count_1, compare_val_1, pwm_wire1); pwm_module pwm2(clk, max_count_2, compare_val_2, pwm_wire2); pwm_module pwm3(clk, max_count_3, compare_val_3, pwm_wire3); pwm_module pwm4(clk, max_count_4, compare_val_4, pwm_wire4); pwm_module pwm5(clk, max_count_5, compare_val_5, pwm_wire5); pwm_module pwm6(clk, max_count_6, compare_val_6, pwm_wire6); pwm_module pwm7(clk, max_count_7, compare_val_7, pwm_wire7); assign led1 = ~bar_ss; assign led2 = 1'b0; assign led3 = 1'b0; assign led4 = 1'b0; assign led5 = 1'b0; endmodule
SPI interface verilog HDL code
11/02/2020 at 04:01 • 0 comments// The SPI interface // Supports loop-back for BER testing // 8 bit register address // 32 bit register values module spi_interface( input wire clk, input wire bar_ss, input wire mosi, input wire sck, output wire miso, output wire spi_ready_write_data, output wire spi_ready_read_data, output wire [7:0] spi_register_address, output wire [31:0] spi_write_data, input wire [31:0] spi_read_data ); ////// // Observe the serial clock reg [2:0] sck_r; initial begin sck_r <= 3'b000; end always @ (posedge clk) begin sck_r <= {sck_r[1:0], sck}; end // Detect the rising edge wire sck_risingedge = (sck_r[2:1]==2'b01); // Detect the falling edge wire sck_fallingedge = (sck_r[2:1]==2'b10); ////// // Observe the mosi wire reg [1:0] mosi_r; always @ (posedge clk) begin mosi_r <= {mosi_r[0], mosi}; end // The mosi data wire mosi_data = mosi_r[1]; ////// // Observe bar_ss reg[2:0] bar_ss_r; initial begin bar_ss_r <= 3'b111; end always @ (posedge clk) begin bar_ss_r <= {bar_ss_r[1:0], bar_ss}; end // Detect the falling edge wire bar_ss_fallingedge = (bar_ss_r[2:1]==2'b10); // Observation of bar_ss wire bar_ss_observe = bar_ss_r[1]; ////// // Place to store input data // reg data_ready; reg [5:0] bit_count; reg [31:0] data_rx; reg [31:0] data_tx; initial begin bit_count <= 6'd0; data_tx <= 32'd0; end // Output is tristate, until bar_ss_observe becomes 0 assign miso = (!bar_ss_observe) ? data_tx[31] : 1'bz; // Place to store the state variable // 0 Command arriving // 1 Read register, address arriving // 2 Read register, get the register value // 3 Read register, sending bits 31:0 // 8 Write register, address arriving // 9 Write register, bits 30:0 arriving // 10 Write register, bit 31 is ready, write the register reg [3:0] spi_state; initial begin spi_state <= 4'd0; end reg [7:0] spi_register_address_reg; reg [31:0] spi_write_data_reg; initial begin spi_write_data_reg <= 32'd0; end // On the rising edge of the serial clock, data is ready for processing always @(posedge clk) begin if (bar_ss_fallingedge == 1'b1) begin // On the falling edge of bar_ss, clear bit count and set spi state bit_count <= 6'd0; spi_state <= 4'd0; end else if ((bar_ss_observe == 1'b0) && (sck_risingedge == 1'b1)) begin // If we have 7 bits, figure out the next state from the input bit if (bit_count == 6'd7) begin if ({data_rx[6:0], mosi_data} == 8'd0) begin // the master is asking to read a register spi_state <= 4'd1; end else if ({data_rx[6:0], mosi_data} == 8'd1) begin // the master is asking to write a register spi_state <= 4'd8; end end if (bit_count == 6'd15) begin // If we are doing a SPI read, and are up to 15 bits total, prepare the register address, ready to send the register back if (spi_state == 4'd1) begin spi_register_address_reg <= {data_rx[6:0], mosi_data}; spi_state <= 4'd2; end else if (spi_state == 4'd8) begin // If we are doing a SPI write, and are up to 15 bits total, prepare the register address, ready to recieve the next 32 bits for the register spi_register_address_reg <= {data_rx[6:0], mosi_data}; spi_state <= 4'd9; end end // Have 31 bits for the register write, so get the mosi data to make 32 bits, set the state to 10 if ((bit_count == 6'd47) && (spi_state == 4'd9)) begin spi_write_data_reg <= {data_rx[30:0], mosi_data}; spi_state <= 4'd10; end // Keep incrementing and sampling bits bit_count <= bit_count + 6'd1; data_rx <= {data_rx[30:0], mosi_data}; end else if ((bar_ss_observe == 1'b0) && (sck_fallingedge == 1'b1)) begin // Transfer the register value to the local register, and change the state if (spi_state == 4'd2) begin data_tx <= spi_read_data; spi_state <= 4'd3; end else if (spi_state == 4'd10) begin spi_state <= 4'd0; bit_count <= 6'd0; end else begin // Near the end of register read, the next 8 bits will be a new command if ((spi_state == 4'd3) && (bit_count >= 6'd40)) begin spi_state <= 4'd0; bit_count <= 6'd0; end // Shift the data out data_tx <= {data_tx[30:0], data_tx[31]}; end end end // When the spi_state is 2, need the register value for the register read assign spi_ready_read_data = (spi_state == 4'd2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // When the spi_state is 10, need to write the register value assign spi_ready_write_data = (spi_state == 4'd10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // The address is stored in the register assign spi_register_address = spi_register_address_reg; // The output assign spi_write_data = spi_write_data_reg; endmodule
PWM module verilog HDL code
11/02/2020 at 04:00 • 0 comments// PWM module
// inputs
// clk - the clock signal, will use posedge
// max_count - the highest count value of the counter
// compare_val - the comparison value for the counter
// outputs
// cmp - compares the internal counter to compare_val
// note
// a counter that always counts up to max_count
// compares the counter to compare_val - if the counter is lower, output 1, otherwise output 0module pwm_module(
input wire clk,
input wire [31:0] max_count,
input wire [31:0] compare_val,
output wire cmp
);// Internal counter
reg [31:0] cnt;// Set to 0 at start
initial begin
cnt <= 32'h00000000;
endalways @(posedge clk) begin
if (cnt < max_count) begin
// If the counter is less than max_count, increment
cnt <= cnt + 32'h00000001;
end else begin
// otherwise, set to 0
cnt <= 0;
end// When count is less than the compare value, output 1, otherwise 0
assign cmp = (cnt < compare_val) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;endmodule
SDC file
11/02/2020 at 03:59 • 0 comments# inform Quartus that the clk port brings a 50MHz clock into our design so
# that timing closure on our design can be analyzed
create_clock -name clk -period "50MHz" [get_ports clk]
# inform Quartus that the LED output port has no critical timing requirements
# it’s a single output port driving an LED, there are no timing relationships
# that are critical for this
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports led1]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports led2]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports led3]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports led4]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports led5]