This is a hardware, USB mouse emulator, with "macro" capabilities. This is an idea I have been toying about since I got in my actual job. As of now, we use some test software that requires various mouse clicks around, and it's not counterproductive just by a hair width. I have the idea that a simple button pad with the click positions already in it, will make production easier, as you don't have to mess around with the mouse. That's the idea at least.
Since USB programming is waaay out of my league, I'm using a resistive touchscreen module, hacking it with potentiometers, to hardwire screen positions. Some relays that can be operated either by the pushbuttons or the pic, allow for uController task record/replay.
As fun detail, I'm using some Mother Russia military relays, about 30 years old, because, why not?
More or less, it was an (the) excuse to professionally fab a board for the first time.
Waiting now for the boards to arrive, but it is a finished project already.
The new boards arrived, assembled one, and found there was a track error!, at least this one was minor, so a bit of cut/reroute solved it, and it now works as intended.
It has new features, like jumpers for "quick" calibration (you still need a tester to properly position the (calibration) pots, or you will have a very odd looking screen mapping, wich will NOT be square).
There is a video (vertical, sorry), with the working hardware here:
And the board is wrong...damnnnnn...the relay footprint is reversed (relays can be mounted on the underside...but, really?... I don't want to spend eight military grade relays on the board like that... I also had bad footprints for the USB, Xtal, forgot four resistors for the module (altough that wasn't a problem, could solder them instead of a header for the module) and in general, it could have some redesign around. I would have liked it to work first time, but all in all, I'll treat it as a learning experience. I can now learn from my mistakes, do it again, better, more calmly (you couldn't believe how excited I was for doing my first board!) I'll also add quick calibration jumpers, so you don't have to fiddle with the pots for that (25 turns are a bit too much for that, arent they?) Also, all is not wasted, I can use one board to develop the software, as simple as it is, it's better than a breadboard XD!