
TMS-RGB module

A project log for TX8 Retro computer

This is my retro inspired 8 bit 65C02 based home computer. It is a newly designed computer completely built on old integrated circuits.

retro-chipguyRetro Chipguy 01/15/2021 at 09:440 Comments

The first prototype samples of the TMS-RGB module for the TMS9929A were finished today.  and they look great. Now all I need is the actual TMS9929A devices to start testing everything out.

Looks great doesn't it.

I take no credit for the actual design, it was done by Nicholas Pigdeon (@npigdeon) and his story is available on I only re did the layout using smaller components with the aim to make it a very small module. I could probably have shaved off a few mm's more from it but I was satisfied with the result.

Testing will start as soon as I have a 9929A running in the TX8 computer.


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