
Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Easy way to make your Chicken Coop Door controlled through your smart phone.

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For this project we built a chicken coop door that is operated by a smart phone app.
This allows you to monitor your chicken coop door remotely, open and close it remotely, set a schedule for operation, and operate it using Amazon Alexa. Some Chicken Coop door with less features sell for ~$200, this one with smart phone features was about ~$75.

Full build is documented in the video below.

This project uses an Arduino Nano. Only required 2 inputs and 2 outputs so it could have been basically any microcontroller you wanted. 

I used a inexpensive smart garage door controller to handle all the smart phone and Alexa integration. All I had to to was make it think the chicken coop door was a garage door. 

A lot of people since the pandemic have started a chicken coop at home. I'm sure there are a bunch of those people that do not want to open the coop door at 6am every day and remember to close it every night. This can help, and will allow you to even open or close it anywhere you are and check the status on it.

Lastly, this app also allows you to set us a schedule. I'm not sure the purpose of this is for a garage door but it works well for chicken coops. 

120V Controller with 12V Relay.PNG

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 570.80 kB - 10/30/2021 at 03:42


120V Controller with 5V Relay.PNG

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 567.80 kB - 10/30/2021 at 03:42


12V Relay Connections.PNG

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 288.84 kB - 10/30/2021 at 03:42



example schedule for the chicken coop door

JPEG Image - 64.80 kB - 01/18/2021 at 05:32


Screenshot 2021-01-01 230414.png

measurements of the actual door to build a mock up at home for a prototype

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 185.21 kB - 01/18/2021 at 05:32


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  • The Logo

    W. Jason Altice01/18/2021 at 05:54 0 comments

    My sister also came up with a cool name.

    Mother Clucker's Eggxit Door. 

    Very creative I think. Here is the logo, it took me a while to get the dual color 3D print to not suck. 

  • Automated Door for my sister

    W. Jason Altice01/18/2021 at 05:51 0 comments

    My sister asked if I could build an automated chicken coop door for her. I started think of all the possible ways to make a door and how it should close. The easiest method is using a linear actuator. I also think it is the most reliable method. But I was looking at pulley systems and Guillotine coop doors. I was also looking at the ESP8266 for another WiFi project. But luckily, I found this smart garage controller on Amazon and it was under $30 and did all the WiFi and remote magic for me. All I had to do was make the controller was operating a real garage door. That's where the Arduino steps in. It simple will latch an output based on an input toggle. The garage door controller will short a connection for 2 seconds to toggle the garage door. 

    This is a smaller project, but something that would have taken a much larger effort 5 years ago. 

    I hope this project helps or gives an idea for someone looking to automate their chicken coop door. 

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  • 1
    Watch build video

    Build instructions are in the video. If there are any questions, please contact me and I'll provide an answer. 

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 22:22 point

Probably cost a few hundred dollars more to replace the parts that I've probably ruined trying this project. Should have just bought the pre-built one.

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 22:18 point

Ok, finally got the first two wires unsautered so I can connect them to the new wires and resauter them. At this rate, I will be done in 6 months. Really hate when y'all say, "It's so easy," when it really isn't.

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 21:10 point

finally got the case apart.

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 21:03 point

...still working on getting the garage door opener case pried apart.

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 21:00 point

Great, somehow I got the app to work. Don't forget to mention that it will take a solid 10 minutes to pry apart the power supply, and another 20 to pry apart the garage door sensor so you can sauter the wires in that tiny spot....

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Kim wrote 05/01/2021 at 18:39 point

So I bought all the components in your description, but I can't even get the garage door opener sensor thing to show a hotspot on my phone, so I can't connect the app that you went through at light speed. I plugged in the USB that is attached to it and it blinks, but that is all. Do I need to put the blue and red wires into something? I've tried different outlets, and put the blue and red wires up to the connections on the actuator, nothing.

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