arduino_2_4_filtering.zipmessy code that does data collection, both of raw, and filtered mm distance based on voltage delta limits.Zip Archive - 15.70 kB - 02/04/2021 at 11:16 |
filteredeffect.xlsxfiltered and unfiltered just by voltage delta.sheet - 257.13 kB - 02/04/2021 at 11:13 |
reduceNoise1.xlsxshows noise reduction by voltage delta and laser power output. reduced noise variation by ~2.2 (max-min)=31.8sheet - 617.20 kB - 02/02/2021 at 19:21 |
reduceNoise2.xlsxnoise reduction using inversion of high frequency in signal. reduced noise variation by ~20 (max-min)=13.8sheet - 541.32 kB - 02/02/2021 at 19:21 |
mm_volt_laserPower.xlsxnoise reduction, however it is from static data. noise phase and offset as well as noise gain change with actual data. but the noise is a few things. laser power fluctuation (but usually in spec) and voltage spikes.sheet - 108.99 kB - 01/30/2021 at 10:27 |
sat23.csvcount 30samples a second, mm distance, temp in c, vofchip,laser output powerComma-Separated Values - 619.92 kB - 01/23/2021 at 22:38 |
raw_measurment2_21_21.csvraw measurement at ~30-50 times a second. raw voltage data, and raw range data in mm, temp is filtered but changes so slowly. numbers count is Na because it is not in seconds but is raw values.Comma-Separated Values - 577.91 kB - 01/22/2021 at 08:33 |
distance_temp_count_adc.txtraw file showing 1 hour of samples with distance, temp, count in seconds, and vcc of sensor chip. these are filtered resultsplain - 197.25 kB - 01/21/2021 at 02:35 |
time_temp_distance.csvcvs file time in seconds, temp in c, and distance in mm over 528 minutes in1 second increments of sensor with a drop overtime of about 4deg c and a change in measurement of about 0.7mm Comma-Separated Values - 689.56 kB - 01/20/2021 at 21:45 |
filter_sensorWtemp1s.ziparduino code i used for temp measurement. the gnd lead of sensor was placed on an i/o pin to gnd so calc was slightly different as voltage is between 0.6 ad 1v on pin, but temp variation is consistent with actual temp of room. you will see this in the code. my sensor was about 15k, and temp was consistent with temp measured by thermometer. what is most critical is the temp and temp variation. you can use your own thermister and code to check and verify. settings need to be changed in code to your sensor. the example i used was from Archive - 14.66 kB - 01/20/2021 at 20:25 |
distaneandtemp.txt31725 seconds or 528 min, or 8.8hrs ov overnight temp and measurement data together as temp dropped from 1am to 10amplain - 1.59 MB - 01/20/2021 at 20:21 |
room_temp_hour_no_heat_9pm.txtthis is temp of my room for an hour at night, looking at temp fluctuations with door open, and no air movement in the room . just looking at over time fluctuations within an hourplain - 119.88 kB - 01/20/2021 at 20:19 |
with_200wheaternearby1hr.txtthis is sensor with a 200w heater nearby and on. i just wanted to see how much temp changes from a nearby small heater. not much.plain - 123.20 kB - 01/20/2021 at 20:18 |