The moment I saw a PCB ruler I had to have one. But none that I could find quite fit my needs, so I made my own 6" PCB ruler. After receiving an overwhelmingly positive reaction around the internet I decided to try a Kickstarter campaign. It was very successful, and I was eager to do it again. The 6" ruler was cool, but it was just too small to pack everything I wanted onto the ruler. So, I made another 12" PCB ruler. The 12" ruler was another successful Kickstarter campaign.
About the ruler:
A 12″ PCB ruler featuring the Raspberry PI 4 GPIO pin out, Arduino pin outs, and commonly used electronic components all on one easy to use reference! It’s a sleek ruler that’s about as unusual as they come. It’s fabricated using tough FR-4 PCB material with a green or black solder mask. The copper has a gold plated finish.
Click HERE for a full size close up image.
Here’s what’s on the ruler:
Front side:
Click HERE for a close up rendering
Pin outs of a few commonly used micro controllers and of course, a ruler.
The Raspberry PI 4 GPIO Arduino Micro Arduino Nano Adafruit Metro Mini Teensy 4.0 Graduations in centimeters and inches Half of the inch graduations are sixteenths and half are tenths
Back side:
Click HERE for a close up rendering
An assortment of commonly used electronics references.
PCB trace widths and ampacities Wire size Resistor color code and common resistor size footprints LED schematic symbol, pin out, and common footprints Tactile push button switch footprints Capacitor footprints and capacitance unit conversions Transistor schematic symbols, pin outs, and footprints 78XX voltage regulator pin outs Diode schematic symbol, pin out and an assortment of commonly used diodes Ohm’s law Font height in mm and Mils USB pin outs