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ATMega 328P microcontroller chip
Using this as the brains of the computer.
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CardKB QWERTY keyboard
Interfaces with the Arduino via I2C
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0.96 inch OLED SPI display (SSD1306 compatible)
Can use different sizes
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9V PP3 battery
Great battery life
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For storing BASIC programs - 32KB of storage in fact
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Empty Altoids tin
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Small Piezo buzzer
For authentic beeper-style sound
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L7805 5V voltage regulator
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4.7k resistor
Pull-up for I2C bus
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220 ohm resistor
Used with LED
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10k resistor
Used for ATMega328P reset line
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Grove connector
For connecting the CardKB keyboard
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16MHz crystal
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22pF capacitor
Used with the crystal
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10uF capacitor
Smooths the power supply
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0.1uF capacitor
Used with L7805
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0.33uF capacitor
Used with L7805
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2 way DIP switch
For power and buzzer on/off
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PP3 connector
For connecting 9 volt battery
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5mm LED
Can be accessed from eMBee BASIC