11Bonus Step - Save Point
It's worth taking an image of the SD card and then zipping it up and saving it somewhere. It will be about 1.2GB in size but if the SD dies/gets corrupted you can just make another
12Don't forget the 3D printed parts and screws
The next laser cutting the acrylic step doesnt take long so make sure you 3D print the top and bottom caps as you will need them. I printed them individually so I didnt have to put a skirt down or worry about them curling off the build plate. Once you have the pieces you can then use your M5 screws to tap/add a thread to the pieces
13Assuming everything works now you can put it together so we need to cut more parts
It's easier to add the vinyl labels to the rear before you attach it but its up to you if you want to label the front with what each relay does. For my case I added a channel logo to the front cover above the Raspberry Pi (and if I had less wires in the way the LEDs would make it glow as I engraved the BACK of the panel not the front face. So cut the front and back and rear covers ready to use
14Twitch Relay Assemble!
Ok that is mostly it, just now you need to slot in the acrylic pieces into the bottom 3D part, add the locking screws that should go easily in if everything is aligned (if they aren't, then they aren't aligned), and then......do the same for the top, again making sure the pieces go in properly.
If you have too much wiring you may need to encourage the back of the inner shelf to be straight and go into the slot. I just used a screwdriver to encourage the back corner to line up if its a problem.
15And now you are done
You probably did plenty of test steps along the way but this was all there was. I am assuming you know how to use relays and have some lights/motors/whatever planned to use with this device so knock yourself out. While there is nothing stopping it from running all the time I think, I would very much encourage turning it off (via the button) when not needed and then turning it on before you want to.
You can use WinSCP to pull a copy of any logs or Putty to just log into the device (although if you use Putty to log in and set it to run using the bash.rc at login you might end up having the script running twice and see weird behaviour). But for the most part this should all be now set and forget.
16After Credits Level Bonus Scene Instruction
If you read the Github link then you know there is an 8th relay not being used with a spare function. Right now there is no option in the Twitch API Webhooks that is easy to pull from to add value as a relay but there might be in the future.... or you might have something else that you want to monitor and notify via relay. The point is, there is a 'spare' function that you can add to.
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