Updated the HTML - now loads simpler JSON file
05/15/2021 at 03:25 • 0 commentsThis new version of the HTML will load a simpler JSON file - one that can have line breaks...it uses a XMLHttpRequest() to load the simple JSON text file...
The new file format can be
Here is the HTML:
<link rel="icon"
h r e f = " your url / favicon.png ">
<title>Music Catalog</title>
#myUL {
/* Remove default list styling */
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
}#myUL li a {
border: 1px solid #ddd; /* Add a border to all links */
margin-top: -1px; /* Prevent double borders */
background-color: #f6f6f6; /* Grey background color */
padding: 12px; /* Add some padding */
text-decoration: none; /* Remove default text underline */
font-size: 40px; /* Increase the font-size */
color: black; /* Add a black text color */
display: block; /* Make it into a block element to fill the whole list */
}#myUL li a:hover:not(.header) {
background-color: #eee; /* Add a hover effect to all links, except for headers */
<body onload="init()"><script>
var album_start = -1;
var album_stop = -1;
var album_current = -1;
// The Audio player
var theAudio;
// Parse the JSON file
var mydata;
// The main list
var the_UL;
// Text about the song
var theText;function init() {
theAudio = document.getElementById("myAudio");
// Create XMLHttpRequest
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();// When ready, try to read the filenames from the file
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// Parse it
mydata = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
};// Set the name of the file
xmlhttp.open("GET", "new_catalog.json", true);
// The send
xmlhttp.send();the_UL = document.getElementById("myUL");
theText = document.getElementById("myText");
theAudio.onended = function() { nextSongandPlay();};theAudio.setAttribute("style", "width:" + (window.innerWidth - Math.round(window.innerWidth * 0.03)) + "px");
}function nextSongandPlay() {
// When a song in the album finishes play, get the next song...
if ((album_current + 1) > album_stop) {
else {
playSong(album_current + 1);
}function loadAudio() {
theAudio.src = mydata[album_current].filename;
theText.innerHTML = mydata[album_current].Title + ", " + mydata[album_current].Artist;
}function loadSingleAlbum(ii) {
// Clear UL
if (mydata.length >= 1) {
if ((ii >= 0) && (ii < mydata.length)) {
// Start at ii and find the maximum ii
var ii_max = ii;
var found_it = 0;
while (found_it == 0) {
if (ii_max == (mydata.length - 1)) {
// At the end of the list, stop
found_it = 1;
else {
if (mydata[ii_max + 1].Album.localeCompare(mydata[ii].Album) != 0) {
// Next item in list is not in album
found_it = 1;
else {
// Keep searching
ii_max = ii_max + 1;
// Great - add the songs to the main list
for (jj = ii; jj <= ii_max; jj++) {
addItemSong(mydata[jj].Track + " " + mydata[jj].Title, jj);
}// Set album start and stop
album_start = ii;
album_stop = ii_max;
album_current = ii;
// Load the audio
loadAudio();// Bring the browser back to the top of the page
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}function loadAlbums() {
// Stop the player
theAudio.src = "";
theText.innerHTML = "Welcome";
// Clear the UL
// Place the JSON contents in UL
if (mydata.length >= 1) {
var go_add = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < mydata.length; ii++) {
if (ii > 0) {
if (mydata[ii - 1].Album.localeCompare(mydata[ii].Album) == 0) {
go_add = 0;
else {
go_add = 1;
if (go_add == 1) {
addItemAlbum(mydata[ii].Album, ii);
}function addItemAlbum(Album, ii) { // Add an album to the main list
// A list item
var the_LI = document.createElement("li");
// The href
var the_A = document.createElement("a");
//the_A.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0)");
the_A.textContent = Album;
the_LI.setAttribute("onmousedown", "loadSingleAlbum(" + ii + ")");
}function addItemSong(Song, ii) { // Add a song to the main list
// A list item
var the_LI = document.createElement("li");
// The href
var the_A = document.createElement("a");
//the_A.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0)");
the_A.textContent = Song;
the_LI.setAttribute("onmousedown", "playSong(" + ii + ")");
}function playSong(ii) { // Play the song "ii"
if ((ii >= album_start) && (ii <= album_stop)) {
album_current = ii;
function clearUL() {
// Clear it!
the_UL.textContent = "";
<audio id="myAudio" controls style="width:500px; height=100px">
<p id="myText" style="font-size:32px">Welcome</p>
<button id="btnAlbums" style="font-size:32px; width:400px; height:90px" onmouseup="loadAlbums()">Albums</button>
<span style="cursor:pointer">
<ul id="myUL" style="width:800px">
</html> -
Audio CD to FLAC, VLC media player
04/07/2021 at 12:12 • 0 commentsVLC Media Player has the capability to create FLAC files from an audio CD. It has "lua" scripting. So, place the script below into the directory:
Then, in the View menu, you'll see a new option called "Audio CD to flac". Enter the number of Tracks in the track field, then press Apply profile, and then press Enqueue converting tracks.
Now, the CD to flac conversion will be in your play list - so click View -> Playlist, and then press the big play button. The CD will be converted to flac files, and placed in your C:\temp directory.
Here is the listing of the lua script (you could call it cd_flac.lua - is is based off of the post at https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=130354 ):
{"Audio CD -> flac", " :cdda-track=? :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=flac,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:file{mux=flac,dst=\"C:\\temp\\Track ?.flac\"}"},
function descriptor()
return {
title = "Audio CD to flac",
endfunction activate()
endfunction deactivate()
endfunction meta_changed()
endfunction close()
function create_dialog()
d = vlc.dialog(descriptor().title)
d:add_label(string.rep(" ",50),1,1,1,1)
d:add_label(string.rep(" ",50),2,1,1,1)
d:add_label(string.rep(" ",50),3,1,1,1)
d:add_label(string.rep(" ",50),4,1,1,1)
d:add_label(string.rep(" ",50),5,1,1,1)
d:add_label("Source MRL: ",1,1,1,1)
ti_mrl = d:add_text_input("cdda:///D:/",2,1,1,1)
d:add_label("(Media > Open Disc... > Audio CD)",3,1,2,1)d:add_label("Tracks: ",1,2,1,1)
ti_tracks = d:add_text_input("15",2,2,1,1)
d:add_label("Then ? in output string represents the counter.",3,2,2,1)d:add_label("Output options: \\ Profiles:",1,3,1,1)
dd_profile = d:add_dropdown(2,3,1,1)
for i,v in ipairs(profiles) do
d:add_button("Apply profile", click_Profile, 3,3,1,1)
d:add_label("(Media > Stream... wizard)",4,3,1,1)ti_sout_string = d:add_text_input(profiles[1][2], 1,4,5,1)
d:add_button("Enqueue converting tracks", click_Convert, 2,5,1,1)
d:add_label("Then start the 1st converting track in playlist (View > Playlist).",3,5,2,1)
endfunction click_Profile()
endfunction click_Convert()
local j=tonumber(ti_tracks:get_text())
if not j then j=1 ti_tracks:set_text(j) end
local source_string = ti_mrl:get_text()
local options_string = ti_sout_string:get_text()
local table_items={}
table.insert(table_items,{path="vlc://pause:3", name="[Convert! START]", options={}})
for i=1,j do
table.insert(table_items,{path=source_string, name="[Convert!] Audio CD - Track "..i, options=SplitString(string.gsub(options_string,"%?",i), " :")})
table.insert(table_items,{path="vlc://pause:3", name="[Convert! END]", options={}})
function SplitString(s, d) -- string, delimiter pattern
local t={}
local i=1
local ss, j, k
local b=false
while true do
j,k = string.find(s,d,i)
if j then
table.insert(t, ss)
if b then break end
return t