PERSEUS-8 project log
05/02/2021 at 13:55 • 0 comments1. The article was first posted on Apr. 17, 2021
2. Revised on May 2, 2021
Added a photo of the back panel and power supply in Fig. 9 and its explanation in Chapter 9.
Added the source code for the marching memory test (Source_code_MEMORY_TEST-1_1_0.pdf) to the attachment.
Added an inside overall picture (IMG_1577.jpg) and a back side picture (IMG_1578.jpg) to the attachment.
3. Revised on May 22, 2021
Added the schematic of power supply (PERSEUS-8_Power_supply_schematic_01.JPG) to the attachment.
4. Revised on May 28, 2021
Added the video (Floating-point arithmetic on homemade computer PERSEUS-8) to the detail.
5. Revised on Aug. 16, 2021
Added the Chapter 12 (Floating point interpreter for PERSEUS-8).
6. Revised on Nov. 04, 2021
Added the Fig. 10 "ROMs of the floating point interpreter mounted on the PERSEUS-8 main board" to the Chapter 12.
7. Revised on Mar. 09, 2022
Changed the chapter 11 (Future plans as of May. 2021) to (Floating point interpreter for PERSEUS-8).
Added the video (Homemade Floating Point interpreter computes FFT) to chapter 11.
Added the chapter 12 (ROMs).
8. Revised on Mar. 15, 2023
Added a picture Fig.8 of a PROM programmer connected to the parallel interface in the Chapter 8 Peripherals.
9. Revised on Mar. 20, 2023
Added a video to introduce updating the interpreter by using a homemade PROM programmer for Chapter 12.
10. Revised on Mar. 24, 2023
Added the schematic of a home made PROM programmer to the attached files and added its links for Chapter 8 and 12.
11. Revised on Jul. 20, 2024
Added more detailed description of countermeasure for CPU reset sequence defect with the HALT state in the chapter 7.