

Uses an E-ink Display to Realtime Update Select Crypto Currencys

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CRYPTOiNK is a small 7in x 7in Display that pulls current Cryptocurrency Data from the web and displayed it on a low powered Trig-collored E-ink Display. With the evergrowing interest in Cryptocurrency CRYPTOiNK give the use importation information at a glance.

Periodically (10-30min) CRYPTOiNK's ESP8266 will wake up, Connect to local Wifi, and download up to dat Cryptocurrency data. It will then Display up to 7 Different Cryptocurrencies at a time. CRYPTOiNK takes advantage of the Trig colored E-ink displays and will hilt the currency in Red if the 24-hour Price is Down. This allows easy differentiation of currencies "in the black or in the red".

CRYPOiNK is fully Customizable and a tutorial is provided on how to add or change the Crypto's that are displayed.

Cryptoink Base.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 9.56 MB - 06/11/2021 at 16:21


Cryptoink Top.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 15.62 MB - 06/11/2021 at 16:21


crypto-ink - ThingSpeak.txt

plain - 2.50 kB - 06/03/2021 at 18:25


x-zip-compressed - 511.31 kB - 06/03/2021 at 03:54


application/zip - 17.50 kB - 06/03/2021 at 02:44


View all 8 components

  • Printed And Painted

    John Loeffler06/10/2021 at 14:22 0 comments

    I assemble and painted the Housing to be more appealing and to hid the 3d print layer lines

  • Designed a Housing

    John Loeffler06/06/2021 at 13:09 0 comments

    I designed this housing to Secure the CRYPTOiNK Hardware to any Refrigerator.  I uses 2 long magnets to secure it to most steel doors and has suction cups if the door is non-magnetic.

  • Wireing Diagram for CRYPTOiNK

    John Loeffler06/04/2021 at 21:12 0 comments

    CRYPTOiNK uses a TP4056 Charger to charge a 6000mAh Lipo Battery.   Built into the Charger is a Low Voltage, Over Voltage, and Over Current Protection Circuit. 

    Because the Ilpo battery does not provide a constant voltage and ranges from 3.4 -  4.2V, a MT3608 DC/DC Boost Module to provide a consistent Voltage for the Waveshare Driver board to regulate down to a 3.3V that is used by the ESP8266 and Eink Display.

  • Getting the Display to Work

    John Loeffler05/27/2021 at 14:11 0 comments


    1) A Low Powered E-Paper Display

    2) Graphically Display Cryptocurrency Data

    3) Attach to a Refrigerator or Door (Magnets and Suction Cups)

    4) Update on a 10min Basis

    5) Visible 6-12Ft

    //----------------------Extended Goals----------------------

    5) Encoder wheel + OLED to input SSID and Passoword

    6) Buttons that, when pressed, go into details of each Cryptocurrency

    //-----------------Estimated BOM-------------------

    The Standard hardware for this Project are:

    1)  1x     Waveshare Esp8266 E paper Driver

    2) 1x     Waveshare 7.5" B/W/R E paper (640x384)

    3) 7x     12mm Tactile Buttons

    4) 1x      Encoder (For Wifi Setup)

    5) 1x     OLED Display (For Wifi Setup)


    I Started out using the GxEPD2 Library to create the format

    I Used Kevin Darrah's E-paper Tutorial on how to crate graphics for the E-Paper Display using the tool Image 2 LCD (

    Using this Tutorial I was able to produce a format that can be seen from 6-12ft Away

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Make a List

    The first Step is to make a List of the Crypto that you would like to be Displayed. 

  • 2
    Creating API using ThingSpeak (Example TRON)

    Sign up and Register your ThingSpeak Account

    Once Registered open the ThingHTTP under the APPs

    Then Create a new ThingHTTP

    Now the 4 Things we need to input are the NAME, URL, HTTP Version, and Parse String

    NAME:   TRON_Price


    HTTP: 1.0

    Parse String :

    Now Choose a Reliable Crypto Exchange you would like to pull Data From  I Suggest CoinMarketCAP

View all instructions

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ZELDA2004 wrote 10/22/2022 at 20:57 point

Hello, I love this project, i would like to build one, but is there anyone can show a photo inside the box (where to fix item) ? Thank you !

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Gracie Dickinson wrote 02/04/2022 at 10:54 point

CRYPTOiNK is a new way to experience cryptocurrency! Unlike smartphones, the CRYPTOiNK's e-ink display enables currency prices to be updated in real-time while watching traditional news or displaying security information. Tipping, polls, and social media have never been easier! Displayed on the face of the CRYPTOiNK are the currencies being traded and their current value. However, before that, it is necessary to learn about digital marketing. You can explore article to find out from where you can get the degree of digital marketing online for free. It will help you.

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Allan wrote 05/31/2021 at 14:56 point

Great project man

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