
LCD music display

Legible notes that don't cost a fortune

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The battle to display music has ranged from originally printing & taping hundreds pages together.

To the ridiculously large full sized TV.

To the ridiculously small & expensive tablet.

To the ridiculously small & cheap portable monitor.

The lion kingdom's goal was always a cheap & large 2 page display, replicating the original book format.  The easiest way to get there was 2 monitors in portrait mode.  Cheap portable LCD monitors finally started appearing in 2019, but they weren't really cheap enough to dedicate to nothing but showing music.

The lion kingdom's stock of obsolete laptops finally reached an age where they were never going to be used again & cheap HDMI to LCD converters abounded.  They were the venerable LTN156AT24 & LP156WH4.  They both had 40 pin connectors & LED backlights.  They both ran on 6 bits per channel.  The point had arrived where a dual 15.6" 1366x768 display just might be possible for under $100. 

1366x768 might be just enough resolution to replace paper if the RGB channels were used as pixels & the text was cropped.  It still remaned a much cheaper option than 1920x1080 panels.

The mane problems with these panels are they're really tall & the electronicals take a lot of space.  Besides the HDMI converter, they would need a raspberry pi, HDMI cables, & power supply.

Finding a suitable LCD controller is manely about finding one with the right cable.  All LCD controllers seem to do the same basic conversion from HDMI to a certain number of LVD pairs & they all have a header for powering a backlight inverter.  None of the converters outside China had a 40 pin cable.  They all had 30 pin cables.  The goog finally came up with a bang good match.

This is the same controller board sold by millions of sellers on, but it's the only one which specifically shows a matching 40 pin connector & describes entering a 1366x768 6 bit mode.  They're all based on the same Novatek NT68676 chip.

They also have different cables for connecting a converter board to a 40 pin or 30 pin panel.  Presumably they all connect to the same Novatek board.  Sadly, trying different cables by mail ordering from China could take years.

The lion kingdom got lucky & the 40 pin cable worked with the 40 pin connector on the LTN156AT24 & LP156WH4.

Very important information on setting the language of the Novatek menus.

It should be noted the raspberry pi 4B with dual HDMI doesn't work with 1366x768 panels.  It only does 1920x1080, so driving 2 panels took 2 older 1B's.  

A 3D printed stand, power cables, HDMI cables followed.

A highly efficient X11 program made the 1B's run as fast as 4B's.  Giant 14" tall pages from PDF finally returned.

A custom pointing device could be used without a table.

Custom software allows annotating on 1 screen.

It would have been more efficient but expensive to drive everything with a single PC instead of a bag of ancient raspberry pi's.

Page turning buttons.

  • New e-ink displays

    lion mclionhead02/04/2025 at 09:09 0 comments

    E-ink seems to have gotten a revival in recent years with a 12" 2560x1600 module.

    The 1st obstacle is aliexpress not accepting any lion credit cards.  The 2nd obstacle is the lack of any protocol documentation.  You have to develop a board to drive it.

    They have a driver board for twice the price of the screen.  Thus a complete 2 page solution would be more than a 4k monitor.

  • New pointing device

    lion mclionhead01/09/2025 at 08:58 0 comments

    Years of declining results with the pinball buttons led to finally designing something with MHPS2283V's.  This was the 1st design to try to use friction to mount the buttons. 

    In the previous design, the touch pad was on top.  This design had it under .4mm of PLA.  With it on the bottom, there was less room to mount the circuit board. 

    The touch pad seems to work better with .4mm of PLA on top than it did with packing tape on top.  It detects less false positives.  There is an annoying slapping sound from the PLA slapping the touch pad.  Laptops work around this with horrendous adhesive.   When wearing headphones, it's not audible.

    Packing tape might have been a quieter solution than PLA.  Packing tape could be sandwiched between 2 panels but it would be a pain.  The touch panel would be on a platform secured with farsteners instead of hot snotted.  No touch pad was ever usable for free paw drawing though & therein is the real desire. 

    The USB cable is a pain.  A guy managed to get viral with an NRF based wireless wheel.

    He just used the SDK without knowing how the power management worked.  It would entail another NRF eval board.  An alternative is just using a custom radio with a USB board, but that would require detailed power management.

  • Raspberry PI fix & 4k upgrade path

    lion mclionhead10/29/2024 at 09:28 0 comments

    After much experimentation, the problem with the pi 1b's converged on them being powered by a single USB expander & more importantly, plugged into the farthest ports.  They got more reliable when moving to the nearest ports on 2 separate expanders & pinging their ethernet to keep the network drivers alive.  Plugging in farther away in the expander made the pi's die more often.  Never thought of the traces inside the expander being a bottleneck.  The fact is the 1b's always needed beefier power connectors than USB or JST.  This setup was definitely living 1 day at a time.  The next step is going to be reducing the connections in the USB nest.


    An idea came to abandon LCD music displays & go back to paper as lions had done for many years.  Taping hundreds of sheets together was pretty awful.  Storing paper costs double what it did when the displays came along.  Lions use the display every day.  The only mane downside is lions don't read a lot of new pieces of music.

    4k TV's now bottom out at 43" & $200. 4k monitors bottom out at 27" & $180.  27" would show  3 high quality pages, but probably be too heavy to sit on the keyboard.  It would need a stand & really be the next step towards the final arrangement. 

    The desk would get a big piece of wood bolted on.  The monitor stand would clamp onto the wood.  It would stick 3.5" behind the keyboard & require moving everything into the kitchen.  It's not realistic to have any kitchen space left over.

    For making video, the monitor would be the light or have lights bolted on top of it.  The hacked tripod light of the last 4 years would finally be scrapped, freeing up a lot of space.

    What a monitor light could display.

    The era of recycled laptop monitors on 3D printed stands is over.  Any upgrade would be a 4k monitor.

    The 1st task is making the software draw 3 pages on a single 4k screen.  Since annotations proved useless, that's staying in the left screen only.  The user just needs to remember the cursor won't do anything in the right screen.  Then, the raspberry pi 4 has to be configured from the command line for portrait mode extended screens.

    The easiest way is to keep the existing network client design.  Run the 2 programs on the same confuser & draw on the same screen.

    The mane peculiarity is the program relies on FVWM to be configured to not draw a border.  That way it can use a minimal GUI library.


  • Death of the PI 1B's

    lion mclionhead06/30/2024 at 22:22 0 comments

    It came to pass that the trackpad firmware had a bug where it would usually fail to initialize the Elan 33059 without a few resets.  Resetting the microcontroller rather than unplugging USB seemed to be required to get it to start.  That pointed to needing another delay for the Elan 33059.  The delay seemed to help but it still required many power cycles to start.

    The next improvement would be soft touch buttons for the trackpad.  There's less danger of chinese pinball buttons causing injury because they're thumb activated.  That requires an enclosure.  The trackpad has been horrendous, overall.  Lions have been pondering proper drawing features like text entry, 3 point curves, baked note shapes.  Maybe a partial keyboard on the pointing device would replace the menu.  

    The next question was a music composition program.   The problem is nowadays, that's more of a legal battle since every combination of notes is copyrighted.  Any original composition just ends up funding someone else's mortgage.  It might be acceptable if it wasn't for the fact that funding someone else's mortgage causes your rent to go up but productivity of any kind is a loss for renters.  The only way productivity isn't a loss is by having equity.


    After 3 years, this dual raspberry pi system began to die so frequently as to become almost unusable.  It seemed to be the piss poor network driver, but more likely they're just wearing out.  They have no frequency scaling but run at 700Mhz constantly.  
    Rather than try any more fixes, it would ideally be replaced with newer 1920x1080 monitors driven by a single raspberry pi.  The problem is the final solution was always seen as a single 4k monitor.  Except for that, the next best solution would be dual 4:3 monitors, but 4:3 is super expensive.  Lions envision a time when 4:3 comes back to mass production because of vertical video. 

    1920x1080 got a lot cheaper than 3 years ago but would still be a hefty tag & a lot heavier than the 1366x768's.  Head mounted displays with the required resolution would still be too expensive.  The monitors could be stripped down to the modules again. 

    The dual raspberry pi was most reliable when they were all connected to another switch.  Things went downhill after they went on a new switch from a day job closet so there was a chance the new switch was the problem.  In hind sight, the smart move might have been not to touch the damn thing & leave 3 network cables on the floor as they were.  Changing ports & cables temporarily got it more reliable, but it eventually died.

    Finally added some insulators under the boards & chat gpt made a smarter script to keep the network alive.  

    while [ 1 ]; do 
        sleep 1
        if ! ifconfig eth0 | grep -q ""; then
            echo "drop kicking eth0"
            ifconfig eth0 netmask

    This once again made it temporarily more reliable, but it regressed the longer it stayed on.  Network & USB both seemed to be failing.  The way they started out functional & regressed over time pointed to some thermal degradation.  They were about as slow as bearable at 700Mhz.  Lowering the clockspeed wouldn't be an option.

  • New page turn buttons

    lion mclionhead06/30/2024 at 22:15 0 comments

    After years of horrendous chinese pinball machine buttons, it was time to upgrade to soft touch MHPS2283V buttons.  The amount of force required by the pinball buttons eventually causes injuries.

    The soft touch buttons require carrier boards which must be painstakingly trimmed to get the positioning right.

    Then they need to be hot snotted in.  There's no way to service the wiring after that.  The hot snot interfered with the upper standoffs.  There should be a smarter way to mount MHPS2283V's besides carrier boards.  A carrier board was necessary for 8 but PLA might be good enough for 2.

    The upper standoffs made it bulge on purpose.

    Alignment was still slightly off but they managed to not jam.

    There were problems.  There were too many layers below the magnets.  The bottom was too slippery.  The magnets should be as close to the edge as possible.  Maybe the magnets should go on the back.

    The only thing which might improve servicability is making it bigger, but there's limited space in the apartment.

  • Monitor replacement theory

    lion mclionhead06/23/2024 at 06:22 0 comments

    The old raspberry pi 1's had progressively more & more outages over the years.  The problem seemed to be the notoriously bad networking drivers.  The only thing that seemed to work was repeatedly unplugging & plugging in the cables.  The pi 4 used for audio processing never had any problems.  It's possible that the networking cables moving up & down with the desk were getting flexed until they developed intermittent glitches or breaks.  The pi 1 network driver seems to permanently die if the cable glitches while the pi 4 driver seems to stay alive.  It's problematic if the desk is moving.  There's not enough room to keep the desk in 1 position.

    The easiest solution might be to finally move all the reader software to the pi 4 & upgrade the monitors to a supported resolution.  Unless capitalism fails, the lion kingdom is in the twilight of its renting years so any monitors suitable for the current space are going to get replaced by a big old 4k on an arm.  That could be 5 or 10 years from now.  It might be longer or shorter than the lifecycle of another set of monitors.

    Portable 16:9 1920x1080 is back to 2019 prices.  It would be a $200 tag.  Any other size or resolution than just that 1 is priced to infinity.  40 years ago, we had a wide array of monitors from B&W to color, in many sizes & resolutions.  Nowadays, there's just 1. 


    Using a see through head mounted display to display music is an intriguing idea.  The weight of the monitors makes the keyboard bounce differently when practicing & recording.  The monitors get in the way of the paws.  They tend to attract spiders.  Lions haven't seen any spiders but they're definitely leaving webs. 

    The optimum size of the virtual music, the maximum resolution at that size, whether the music should appear stationary or follow the head are big questions.  The glasses would be vastly more expensive than monitors.  They would need diopter inserts.  When recording, you wouldn't be able to see the lion's eyes.  It seems a head mounted display is inevitable, one day.  Maybe it'll happen instead of a giant 4k monitor.

    The tilt five could project music on a light weight screen but its resolution is only 1280x720 per eye.  The xreal air 2 only does 1920x1080 per eye.  The only see through headsets seem to not have enough resolution.  Only headsets with synthetic paws have enough resolution.


    The pi's also need a better mounting system.  It's not practical to disassemble the entire stand to access them.

  • Updated screen offerings

    lion mclionhead12/07/2023 at 19:29 0 comments

    This is a 17" 4k, portable display which would bring back the ability to directly write on music with the required accuracy.  The height is 15.6".  The historic height of staff paper is 12" but 15.6" is the smallest with 4k. 

    Of course, you'd have to be stupid to pay that much & it would take 2 monitors to fully to the job but it showed considerable improvement in portable monitor offerings.

    There's 2560x1600 in a 16" without touch. 

    The pride of China is a 15.6" with touch & 4k. 

    Then for the same price of 2560x1600 is 4k from another brand.  Lions doubt the truth of some of these chinese deals.

    Then there's a Walmart deal.  2560x1600 might be the sweet spot. 

    Lions couldn't justify upgrading the current music display, given its level of use & how 1366x768 has been just good enough.  1366x768 would definitely be enough for composition.  The higher resolution would only be needed for annotations, more serious playing, or maybe a more expensive instrument.

  • Annotation Busted

    lion mclionhead06/14/2023 at 23:09 0 comments

    Annotating music with this system has proven to be a dumpster fire.  Despite every effort with the zoom feature & the stylus, it just doesn't work.  The mane problem is the resolution is too low.  Even 1080x1920 wouldn't be high enough resolution to simulate writing tiny numbers on paper.   Every pixel has to count so cursor movements are real slow, trying to hit the exact pixel.  Drawing accurate lines with fat pixels is real hard.  Constraining to certain angles might be necessary.

    The zoom level makes a slight difference, but it still feels like the cursor is always on the edge of 2 pixels & you have to move very slowly to hit the right pixel.  The stylus isn't as smooth as hoped.  It sticks & stutters along.  It's not much better than drawing with a joystick in 1984.

    The line tool is slow but accurate for drawing text.  The pencil tool can draw slightly faster but very messy text.  The circle tools are essential for drawing notes, but it's real hard with fat pixels.  The pencil tool has only been useful for drawing dots.  Hollow & filled ellipses for the pencil tool might make it faster for drawing notes than the circle tool.  A virtual keyboard & a text tool seem to be the biggest need. 

    Maybe a capacitive touch screen should replace the track pad, but that's an expensive proposition.  It might be time to reconsider a trackball.  There's also going with a small mouse or using a phone screen as a track pad.

    This system might still have potential for notation capture, since that doesn't involve any manual drawing.  The sizes of all the symbols can be fixed, so the precise positioning of fat pixels can be automated.

  • Fixing NFS

    lion mclionhead12/08/2022 at 00:02 0 comments

    The immediate desire was getting rid of NFS & sending the score inside the load command.  That way rebooting doesn't need to involve mounting NFS before starting the program.  It would be simpler than configuring autofs.  The raspberry pi's have to automatically start the reader & mount the filesystem, since they crash every time the LCD panels are unplugged & the power supply is a trashed 10 year old Dell.  The problem with this is the annotations & score are separate files.  They're both gzipped.  The command packets are structured around single byte codes rather than sending a complete file.

    This makes autofs the easiest way.  Past experience making virtual filesystems showed it's always easier to use NFS for sharing files than trying to make a custom solution.

    Autofs begins by editing /etc/auto.master.  Uncomment the following line:

    /misc   /etc/auto.misc

    Then edit /etc/auto.misc & add a line for the filesystem to mount

    reader          -rw,insecure,nohide,async,no_root_squash,anonuid=0 pi:/reader

    Then restart autofs

    service autofs restart 

    The problem with autofs is all the filesystems have to be mounted inside /misc.  It can't mount anything inside /.  You have to ln -s /misc/reader /reader to get a filesystem to appear under /

    Sadly, despite this level of automation, it still takes several minutes for autofs to access the filesystem after a reboot of the server.  The reader locks up for several minutes during that 1st load.  Rebooting the client goes fast.

    Using dual 800Mhz raspberry pi's has been less than ideal.  The mane problem is it takes a real long time to load a score & save a score after annotating.  Page turning is fast.  The pi's also don't have a sleep mode, so they're getting expensive to keep on all day.

  • Wishlist

    lion mclionhead02/24/2022 at 04:19 0 comments

    There is a desire to reduce the number of confusers.  3 confusers for audio processing & music display is overkill, taking a lot of space, & taking a lot of power.  The problem is the dual HDMI raspberry pi only supports 1920x1080.  

    It definitely would be better off with a full sized PC, but that's a lot of money for a lion.  Mini PC's with dual HDMI are only $200.

    With no more raspberry pi's being made, the $200 mini PC is a compelling solution.

    The HDMI to LVD converters take an analog SVGA signal, but this would not allow addressing the RGB cells.  There are ways to go from USB to HDMI output & from SPI to HDMI output but they're all more expensive than a raspberry pi or a full sized PC.

    The lion kingdom was sort of grateful it didn't buy a trackball.  There might be some accuracy to be gained from it, but the mane problem has proven to be space for the trackpad.   1 solution is not to play anything in the upper octaves & use that part for the trackpad.  Another desire with the trackpad is a reset button.

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Arya wrote 05/25/2021 at 04:52 point

>>> The point had arrived where a dual 15.6" 1366x768 display just might be possible for under $100

Very much so! I'm compiling information on general reuse of these displays here: #All About Laptop Display Reuse , drop by our chatroom anytime!

>>> All LCD controllers seem to do the same basic conversion from HDMI to a certain number of LVD pairs

Yep! The controllers that you mention specifically, M.NT68676 boards, also need to be programmed with the right firmware to drive 1366x768 panels.

>>> describes entering a 1366x768 6 bit mode.

That sounds good, I didn't know that's what "LVDS mode" meant for these controllers, but it makes sense!

What I'd typically recommend is punching your panel number into the eBay search bar, in your case, you'd get this: . I went and checked - both of your panels have the same pinout, driving requirements and color bit mapping scheme, so if you buy 2pcs of this same controller, it should work with both of the panels. Searching for a panel-specific controller helps you avoid cable troubles, and in case of the eBay link I'm sending, it's also going to come out cheaper!

The second cable you're showing seems like the right deal - you definitely don't need a set of 14 different ones! =D However, you don't even need that cable if you're getting a panel-specific controller, since a panel-specific kit will be coming with the right cable already!

Nice project! Added it to #Laptop Display Things list =)

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