HydraBus v1 Rev1.5
01/05/2024 at 19:51 • 0 commentsHydraBus v1.0 Rev1.5 Schematic/Board Layout are available on github, everything is done with KiCad PCB v6.0.11
HydraBus: Hardware license CC BY-NC 4.0 (for commercial license contact info@hydrabus.com)
For more details on the hardware see also http://hydrabus.com/hydrabus-1-0-specifications
Revision 1.5 (vs Rev 1.4)
- HydraBus v1 Rev1.5 is designed under KiCad 6.0.11
- Replaced 2x microUSB connectors by 2x USB Female Type C connectors (Korean Hroparts Elec TYPE-C-31-M-12)
- Replacement of ESD protections (as old ones are obsolete)
To summarize there is no any functional change between HydraBus v1 Rev1.5 and previous versions
For more details see:
HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.5 buy online:
HydraBus v1 new batch/lower price in stock on Amazon (since 22 April 2021)
05/09/2021 at 07:34 • 0 commentsHydraBus v1 new batch/lower price in stock on Amazon (since 22 April 2021)
Hydrabus v1 price is decreased to 59Euros (was 69Euros before on Amazon)
For more details see https://hydrabus.com/buy-online
HydraFW v0.10 released
09/13/2020 at 16:29 • 0 comments07.09.2020 - HydraFW v0.10
This version is the first stable version (if you find any issue please create an issue).
Big thanks to Baldanos to be the lead developer on HydraFW since 2015 including all major contributions of the project (191 commits, 545776 lines added and 479088 lines removed)
- Update ST drivers to 1.7.8 (Based on STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.25.x / 12-February-2020)
- Update ChibiOS 18.2.0 (git version)
- Plug & Play USB Serial Driver using standard driver for windows 8.1 & 10 (Thanks to Guigz2000)
HydraBus specific:
Console syntax improvements (Thanks to Azox)
- Support Compressed mode
- Add error message when invalid token found with position highlighted
- Various fixes for BP compatibility + TL_TOKEN_DELIMITER issue
- For more details see https://github.com/hydrabus/tokenline/commits/master
- Smart Card (Big thanks to the contributors sylvainpelissier/Azox)
- ADC trigger
- SWD bruteforce (2-wire mode)
- See also HydraFW OpenOCD guide
- JTAG bruteforce fixes and improvements
- See also HydraFW OpenOCD guide
- Auxiliary pin
- I2C for non intrusive sniffer for SDA line
- Display improvement for delays (microseconds) (Thanks to Azox)
- Smart Card (Big thanks to the contributors sylvainpelissier/Azox)
- Auxiliary pin
- Flashrom support using native Serprog mode (see https://github.com/hydrabus/hydrafw/wiki/HydraFW-SPI-guide#flashrom-usage for more details)
- Supported with any version of Flashrom since v0.9.8 or more (tested with success also with latest Flashrom v1.2)
HydraNFC Shield v1 specific:
- Binary NFC Reader mode (Thanks to gvinet)
- pcap file format support for sniffer output (Thanks to AAsyunkin-se)
- HydraNFC Shield v1 is now superseded by HydraNFC Shield v2 in an other fork see https://github.com/hydrabus/hydrafw_hydranfc_shield_v2
Contrib / script / documentation
- pyHydrabus Python bindings (Thanks to Gheko for helping on this)
- Script to dump SPI flash
- Script for 93c46 EEPROM read/write/erase
- HydraBus/HydraFW wiki updates
- Build/Debug on Windows/Linux with STM32CubeIDE using SWD and SWO traces
HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.4
05/27/2020 at 09:26 • 0 commentsHydraBus v1.0 Rev1.4 Schematic/Board Layout are available on github, everything is done with the amazing KiCad PCB
HydraBus: Hardware license CC BY-NC 4.0 (for commercial license contact info@hydrabus.com)
For more details on the hardware see also http://hydrabus.com/hydrabus-1-0-specifications
Revision 1.4 (vs Rev 1.3)
- The BOM has been optimized to find/buy most of the parts on lcsc.com
- HydraBus v1 Rev1.4 is fully designed under KiCad 5.1.5-2 (Latest official stable release), before it was designed with Eagle 6.x
- 8MHz Crystal Y1 has been replaced by a SMD part (Yangxing Tech X50328MSB2GI) on top side of the PCB with better performances
- Frequency Tolerance @25°C X50328MSB2GI +/-10ppm vs FOXSLF/080-20 +/-30ppm.
- Operating Temperature X50328MSB2GI -40°C / +85°C vs FOXSLF/080-20 -20°C / +70°C.
- Capacitors C1 & C2 for the 8MHz Crystal are changed to 18pF (before it was 27pF) to prevent some USB issues on some board which does not work correctly with STM32F405 USB DFU (embedded in ROM).
- Decoupling capacitors (100nF replaced by 220nF, 1uF replaced by 2.2uF) are modified to use less references with higher value which also reduce the noise.
- microSD connector part replaced by compatible part HOAUC HYC77-TF09-200UBTN/BOOT DFU and RESET switch replaced by compatible part HYP (Hongyuan Precision) 1TS002G-2700-3500-CTTo summarize there is no any functional change between HydraBus v1 Rev1.4 and previous versions.
For more details see:
HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.4 is now available for purchase:
HydraBus HydraFW v0.9 Beta Released​
10/24/2018 at 18:01 • 0 comments30.09.2018 – HydraFW v0.9 Beta
- Added trigger mode on all supported modes. See commit a982d6b
- Added SUMP mode autodetection. Tools like Sigrok and OLS don’t need any prior hydrabus setup. See commit ca90ec2
- Added
escape sequence in freeform strings. See commit 3614185 - Increased the maximum hexdump capacity to 2^32 bytes.
- Added AVRdude compatibility. See commit2f3aecb
- Fixed compiler errors and warnings when compiling with gcc 8.x
- Updated ChibiOS to latest stable_17.6.x branch
- Updated FatFs to official 0.13b
- Updated ST drivers to STM32Cube 1.2.1
- Reorganized the repository structure
HydraBus specific:
- Console mode
- 1-wire mode. See commit e79c160
- NAND flash mode. See commit 5247a83
- Wiegand mode. See commit b3f3e1b
- LIN mode. See commit 1b83986
- Added timing settings
- Fixed several CAN issues
- Add TRST manual configuration in JTAG mode
- Binary Mode
- Binary 1-wire mode
- Binary NAND mode
- Added BBIO display mode version commands
- Fixed some BBIO command behavior
- Added timing settings
- Added SLCAN support
For more details see GitHub https://github.com/hydrabus/hydrafw
HydraBus back in stock with new PCB new MCU and case for same price
12/07/2016 at 18:10 • 0 commentsHydraBus boards are now back in stock (with same price as before) and new features:
- New PCB v1.0 Rev1.2+ (add capacitor for MicroSD +3V3 for even more stable supply for big microSD/SDIO …)
- Replaced MCU STM32F405 by STM32F415 with hardware cryptographic acceleration for:
- AES 128, 192, 256
- Triple DES
- HASH (MD5, SHA-1), and HMAC
- Added Clear laser-cut acrylic case with screws
For more details see https://hydrabus.com/buy-online
HydraBus + HydraNFC sniffer ISO14443A real-time infinite trace mode
10/24/2016 at 10:58 • 0 commentsNew feature NFC sniffer ISO14443A real-time infinite trace mode:
For more details see:http://hydrabus.com/2016/10/24/hydrabus-hydranfc-sniffer-iso14443a-real-time-infinite-trace-mode/
HydraBus + HydraESP32 + UART bridge mode to interact with ESP32
10/24/2016 at 10:49 • 0 commentsNow HydraESP32 shield is alive
See a simple test (to communicate with ESP32 using UART) by wiring ESP32 UART RXD0/TXD0 pins respectively to HydraBus PA9(UART1 TX)/PA10(UART1 RX) and by forcing EN to 3v3
(just plug ESP32 EN on GND then remove it / connect it to +3V3 after bridge mode is enabled)
It is recommended to use latest HydraBus firmware hydrafw v0.8 in order to use UART bridge @115200 bauds 8N1
See asciinema video:
For information we can also interact with ESP32 during bridge mode by connecting a 2nd MicroUSB connector on HydraBus in order to have an other terminal to interact with ESP32 I/O for example to set EN pin to +3.3V or GND … (or even to test different boot mode / communication …)
HydraBus HydraFW v0.8 Beta Released
10/13/2016 at 21:04 • 0 comments13.10.2016 - HydraFW v0.8 Beta
Generic:- Updated ChibiOS from actual 3.0 to latest ChibiOS v16.1.6+/ChibiOS RT v4.0.0(Sep 27, 2016 )
- Added benchmark tests see hydrafw command
debug test-rx
and python script https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrafw/blob/master/scripts/tx_bench.py
- Added benchmark tests see hydrafw command
- Updated FatFs to chibios fatfs-0.10b-patched.7z
- Script support (Thanks to Baldanos)
see commit 47f181a9
- Added SD script (to execute commands from sdcard file)
- Added SD startup script option (initscript file at root of sdcard)
- Fixed SDCard 4x slowness (was set implicitly to SDC_MODE_1BIT instead of SDC_MODE_4BIT in new chibios)
- Now Read speed on Class 10 MicroSD reach 11MBytes/s (using 24MHz - 4Bits SDIO mode, can be increased later to 48MHz - 4 bits SDIO on microSD supporting it)
- tokenline
- Fixed issue on history with up key (Thanks to 0x8008135)
- Manage invalid value for T_ARG_FLOAT & strict suffix only "k", "m" or "g" or no suffix for T_ARG_UINT & T_ARG_FLOAT
- show_help() fix coverity scan bug "Dereferencing null pointer tl->parsed.last_token_entry"
- Updated drv/stm32cube to latest STM32Cube FW F4 V1.13.0
- HydraFW Coverity Scan defects fixed (Thanks to iceman1001)
- Fixed compatibility with python3 (always compatible with python 2.x) for dfu-convert.py & hydrafw-version.py (Thanks to Baldanos)
- Console mode
- Raw 3-wire (Thanks to Baldanos)
- UART Bridge enhancement (Thanks to Baldanos)
- The UART bridge now works perfectly at up to 115200 bauds
- Measure frequency & Duty Cycle (from 1282Hz to 84MHz, 128Hz to 8.4Mhz too, autorange ...) (Thanks to Baldanos)
- Hexdump in console command hd to display in hex / ascii data read for spi, i2c, uart, 2 and 3-wire (Thanks to Baldanos)
- Binary Mode
- Raw 3-wire (Thanks to Baldanos)
- Integrated in BBIO bbio_mode_rawwire which support now 2-wire and 3-wire
- SPI binary mode Add configuration/selection of SPI1 or SPI2
- Raw 3-wire (Thanks to Baldanos)
- Added command sd (sdcard commands)
- Added Example bbio_hydranfc_init.py for HydraNFC init using Console mode + switch to bbIO mode for SPI2 Init & communication with TRF7970A (HydraNFC shield)
- Read / Display / Save Mifare Ultra Light tag data (64bytes raw data of the Tag)
command now requires a mandatory filename as destination to save the Mifare Ultra Light 64bytes data to microsd file- See commit [d569fcd8] 27-May-2016 (https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrafw/commit/d569fcd853415d7d56e54ef773315abb45015285) (modified scan command)
- Emulate Mifare Ultra Light tag (Beta version does not work with phone) (7Bytes UID and 64bytes data support only READ command)
command add optional filename (same 64bytes raw file previously written to microsd byread-mf-ul
)- See commit [d569fcd8] 27-May-2016 (https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrafw/commit/d569fcd853415d7d56e54ef773315abb45015285) (modified scan command)
- This feature is a Beta version and will be rewritten using low level mode SDM TX/DM1 RX in order to be hard real-time & ISO compliant, which will also fix the emulation when using a Phone...
- NFC sniffer improvements and NFC sniffer command cleanup
- Modified NFC RX Gain Reduction from 10dB to 5dB & use ISO14443A mode
- The sniffer now use native ISO14443A mode instead of previous hybrid mode ISO14443B/A, those modifications (with NFC RX Gain reduction set to 5dB) give better sniffing sensitivity and bigger range to sniff PICC(NFC Tag) and PCD(NFC Reader) configured using @6.3Mbauds(in reality it is 8.4Mbauds) 8N1 with Putty on Win7)
- Removed
(replaced byparity
sub commands) - Added following
sub commands:trace-uart1
to trace in real-time sniffed data to UART1 PA9 @8.4Mbauds 8N1 (validated with FTDI C232HM-DDHSL-0bin
(Force binary sniff trace(UART1 only))parity
(Add parity bit information in binary sniff trace(UART1 only))frame-time
(Add start/end frame timestamp(in CPU cycles))
- Moved
command tosniff
sub commandraw
- Updated ChibiOS from actual 3.0 to latest ChibiOS v16.1.6+/ChibiOS RT v4.0.0(Sep 27, 2016 )
HydraBus v1.0 Shield / Breakout board for ESP3212 (ESP32)
09/13/2016 at 16:17 • 0 commentsHydraESP32 HydraBus v1.0 Shield / Breakout board for ESP3212.
This shield can be used with or without HydraBus board, you can even cut HydraBus specific right side (on the line) to have a tiny ESP3212 breakout board.
- This shield shall be connected on bottom of HydraBus board
- The HydraBus board is a small (60mm x 37mm) and low cost, multi-tool extensible board with STM32F405 Cortex M4F 32bits MCU @168MHz with a fully open source firmware hydrafw and full online documentation hydrafw wiki
- The ESP32 is a low-power 32-bit 240 MHz dual core MCU Wi-Fi+BLE combo module that highly integrates TCP/IP network stacks, 12-bit ADC and HSPI/SDIO/UART/PWM/I2C/I2S interfaces. See Espressif ESP32 Overview
- Design based on ESP3212 Ai Thinker TaoBao/SeeedStudio
- Links to Buy ESP3212:
- Available at OSHPark https://oshpark.com/projects/kJrL1qY