The pots are about 10 kohm each, they are wired internally in parallel, and i got a reading of 4.7K on the connector.
I have not yet found, what company makes these, where to buy replacements, and what the part number is. It seems, Nintendo Switch uses a very similar component, but its cable is different (has a 90-degree turn).
Just in case, when i first took it apart (2021-05-28), my 2-month-old quest2 had no drift problems yet. I was just curious, what thumbstick to look for, and what is the technology. Initially upon seeing it being different to one in RiftS, i hoped it's a capacitive or magnetic or optical... Unfortunately, it's just the usual potentiometer of questionable reliability.
Hi, have you researched what the TestPoints TP1 to TP20 are for on the board? Is it possible that some lead to switches? I would need to connect external switches, I am looking for the simplest solution...
Thank you