Quantity | Component name | |
144 | × | 3mm LED 3mm LED of any color. |
4 | × | 74HC595 Shift register. |
1 | × | MCU of choice Any 3.3v or 5v MCU will work. |
1 | × | Battery LiPo battery of 500mA or more. |
1 | × | TP4056 Charging module. |
1 | × | Switch For On/Off control. |
1 | × | Connecting wires Thin and flexible wires for connection. |
1 | × | Spectacles frame To hold the LED matrix. |
1 | × | Epoxy glue (Black) Mix with black color to block light from back of LEDs. |
1 | × | Thread To hold the Matrix with spectacles frame. |