
Pico KeyPad

Pico KeyPad is a must-have shortcut keyboard for your PC work.

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Pico KeyPad is a must-have shortcut keyboard for your PC work. This keypad consists of 9 keys (you can add more no. of keys), the size of this 3x3 keypad is small and can be easily carried out. All this 9 keys can be programmed for any shortcut. You can use it during programming / Coding or during editing and more, all the software shortcuts are compatible with this keypad. In this written tutorial we a going to see how can we make it.

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This project is successfully completed because of the help and support from NextPCB. NextPCB is one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers in Global, has specialized in the PCB and assembly industry for over 15 years. Not only could NextPCB provide the most innovative printed circuit boards and assembly technologies in the highest quality standards, the fastest delivery turnaround as fast as 24 hours.

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See more info about PCB Assembly Capabilities:

  • 9 × Push Switches Non-Locking
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Pico

  • 2
    3D Printing

    Download STL Files (Click)

    • 3D Print the given 3D Models.
    • Note: If you don't find the same Push Buttons as mine please design your own Keypad.
    • Once the print is complete insert the pushbuttons and fix them with some quick glue.
  • 3
    Circuit Connection
    • Make all the connections as shown in the schematic diagram.
    • Put the 3D-printed keys on top of the buttons using fast glue.
    • fix the RPi Pico using some screws.

View all 8 instructions

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