

Ruler of time, space and weather

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Diameter: 44mm
Thickness: 11mm
Stripe type: 24mm NATO with DD lock.

LIfetime: 10days on one charge
Display: EPD

1. Clock
2. Chrono(0.1s resolution) witch tachymeter scale
3. Barometer
4. ALtimeter
5. Thermometer
6. Higrometer
7. Compass(with auto-calibrate)
8. Votimeter(DC, one range)
9. Ohmometer(one range) and voltage drop meter
10. Water-resistant- PVB covered PCB.
11. 3 Darlington touch sensors
12. Moon phase
13. Current time backup in flash(ondemand)

You can choose one of 5 layouts, and reverse colors.

Core: STM32G0(Cortex M0+)
Battery: lipo, 85mAh
USB charging

Project published also in the paper journal.

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skylerthuss wrote 05/05/2022 at 08:58 point

wow! I just discovered this and immediately I want to build it . I downloaded the file from github, do I need any other files to produce it?

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Bartosz wrote 05/05/2022 at 09:20 point

Nope, thats complete project. You have two versions of PCB- with mechanical buttons(venom) and with darlington touch sensors(sense). Ever folder habe "output" inside with gerber files. You can program MCU via SWD 1,27 connector using st link(e.g. from any nucleo-64 board). You need stm32 cube programmer for flash MCU.

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Esteban wrote 02/18/2022 at 15:48 point

Would love to buy this as a kit, good job!

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Bartosz wrote 02/18/2022 at 16:09 point

Thanks. I can send you a gerber and MCU batch, but you have to order PCB and components by yourself. In poland now i cannot buy magnetometer(LIS3MDL).

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Gregory Sanders wrote 08/15/2021 at 12:53 point

I really like that it has an ohmmeter and DC voltmeter and does NOT have any fitness tracking junk.  This is way more useful to me than all the commercial offerings I've seen so far.

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Bartosz wrote 01/22/2022 at 19:07 point

Thansk :) You have the same perspective like me :P

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