
Direct Granules Extruder, FDM prints from powder

Waste plastic turned into raw material for 3D printing.

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This poject was started in 2021 as a subscription for the Hackaday Prize. The aim is to reuse waste prints with a direct granules extruder. After years of tinkering (see project blog) it meanwhile works nicely, But ''perfect' doesn't exist - there is always something to improve. As printing with plastics powder is a new FDM technique, there is still lots of research to be carried out.

The extruder is meant to be a drop-in replacement for existing desktop printers with no additional electronics needed, thus it is working with a relatively weak stepper motor and uses one normal 40W heating cartridge. The print quality will be at least close to that of filament printers. No extruder you can buy anywhere, yet!

Okay, the powder feed has currently an extra stepper motor and Arduino NANO, but I can live with that. If you insist on absolutely no extra electronics, there are mechanical solutions, maybe with changes in Software.

With my machines I aim to give students a better understanding of how technology works and of course I'd like to drive innovation as well. "Keep things simple" is the mantra that I follow. Simple to build, out of parts that are simple to source and bring it to live with simply some lines of software code.

I am fighting common thoughts that complex machines like 3D printers must be composed of complex parts manufactured with complex machinery. I am replacing expensive tool chains with my brain ;-) That often means breaking with conventional ideas.


- Build a reliably working extruder prototype (V5).

- Create build instructions (including video), even so it is a prototype made following my intuition.

- Explain in detail how the extruder works and so why normal wood screws are better than anything else: In contrast to conventional extruders, the forwarding happens in the cold zone only.

- More details about how to print with household sugar and so using materials with essentially different properties than common FDM materials.

Done, but not explained in all detail, yet:

- What to consider when preparing raw material

- Find ways to convert waste prints into new raw material for the extruder

To do:

- More print tests with a larger variety of raw materials

- Build version 6 with series production in mind instead of the handmade version 5

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  • 1 × Aluminum bar 16x16, 300mm length
  • 1 × Aluminum plate 3x65x130mm
  • 1 × 3mm threaded rod 1m
  • 1 × Glass block 25x25x8mm
  • 1 × Teflon tube 8mm inner diameter

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View all 26 project logs

  • 1
    Why there is no step by step build instruction for Direct Extruder V3, but of course an instruction exists

    Direct Granules Extruder V5 is a prototype you can build from cheap, commonly available materials with low tech tools. It is not for beginners in 3D printing, but advanced tinkerers should be able to make a copy. Since not being intended for beginners, I don't provide a step by step build instruction. Instead you get drawings and pictures in the "files" section that should enable you to create your own extruder.

    Another issue is, that this design is based on other physical principles than existing extruders. It is essential to get a deeper understanding of those principles that I have described in the logs of this projects that also include videos.

    Leave a comment if you still have questions about the build process of the direct extruder.

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benjjyman wrote 11/07/2021 at 11:51 point

1 can we vote for you?

2 one problem with design is ptfe tube for use with recycled ABS, or Nylon or anything above 260 degrees celcius , other than that this brilliant

3 could you please explain warping python script ?

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Norbert Heinz wrote 11/07/2021 at 14:43 point

(1) You can like my project (on top of this page), but votes are up to the Hackaday Price jury.
(2) Yes, in a future design, the PTFE tube will no longer reach into the hot zone.
(3) What explanation is needed? It was just a proof of concept, not yet meant to be an implementation in a slicing software.

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heinz wrote 10/23/2021 at 04:05 point

Nice, I'm a fan of your design style. 

How is the screw located in the whole assembly? Does the screw end where the teflon tube ends and the 1.5mm rod continues to go into the heater block?

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Norbert Heinz wrote 10/23/2021 at 11:17 point

Thanks! Right now I have added a log entry with a video, that will hopefully answer your question:

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heinz wrote 10/23/2021 at 14:07 point

Ah okay, screw ends on the cold side or a little bit beneath. Didn't realize the 1.5mm is rod is for sealing the nozzle on retraction, thought it had some stirring function.

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nodemcu12ecanada wrote 08/23/2021 at 14:24 point

Very inexpensive 6 degrees of freedom robot arms are readily available.

You have to get a power supply and do the controls yourself. I used a $4 NodeMCU.

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Norbert Heinz wrote 08/23/2021 at 15:03 point

I never said, my robot arm was the first and only one. ;-)

Countless arms using RC hobby servos exist, I also have built one before:
These are all interesting devices to learn basics about robotics. Add some new design details to the army of DIY robots is why I created mine from wood.

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Jason wrote 08/18/2021 at 21:35 point

Super cool!  I'd love to see some details and files that I could use to put together kits for local schools!

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Norbert Heinz wrote 08/19/2021 at 06:24 point

Thanks! Sorry, I had forgotten to upload the file. The package is now available on Hackaday.
I have also added a link to my pages in the project log

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duda.sertorio wrote 08/18/2021 at 17:09 point


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Norbert Heinz wrote 08/18/2021 at 18:45 point


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