
Masters first-year project report. It thoroughly covers the RETRO-CIAA hardware expansion module and the rather basic firmware at that time. It is written in Spanish. Nonetheless, it should help provide a bigger picture of its inner workings until I release the updated documentation in English.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 7.94 MB - 08/23/2021 at 22:39



the RETRO-CIAA expansion module schematic and PCB design is released with this licence.

licence - 8.94 kB - 08/23/2021 at 00:43


edu-ciaa expansion schematics v1.3.0.pdf

Complete schematics for the RETRO-CIAA expansion module. Released with the CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2 (the LICENCE).

Adobe Portable Document Format - 514.82 kB - 08/23/2021 at 00:38
