
LEGO Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Case

Enclosure for Raspberry Pi Touchscreen that is transformable into a display, a tablet, or mountable on anything

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This project is about utilizing LEGO bricks to create a transformable Raspberry Pi touchscreen case. Since it is made of LEGO bricks, it can be made into various shapes. The very first case created was intended for tablet use. Adding just a little bit more of LEGO bricks may transform it into a standing display, with the same look as any mini display you can find out there but even better with a built-in capacitive touchscreen. The Raspberry Pi is mounted on the backside, so ideally, this is an All-in-One computer and capacitive touchscreen in one package!

Do not be fooled by the rubbery look from the front. It is all made of pure LEGO bricks and nothing else. If you drop it to the floor, the case won't protect it from damage. That is the only catch of having LEGO bricks. It is not intended to protect your mobile device from accidental drop.

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