
Connecting the M5Stack to the color sensor

A project log for M5Stack Color Maker

With this device, you can copy the color of an object or create a new color with your imagination.

airpocketAIRPOCKET 10/08/2021 at 04:480 Comments

Using the color Unit of the M5Stack for the sensor is very easy.

Use the included Grove cable to make the connection.

If you are using the TCS34725 development board, please solder the pin headers to the terminals. Next, screw on the two parts of the case output from the 3D printer. To stabilize the light environment, the 3D printer parts should be painted matte black.

Create a cable with Grove terminals on one side and a 2.54 pitch pin socket on the other side to connect the M5Stack to the TCS34725.

The connection should look like this.

M5Stack(Glove connecotor)
TCS34725(QI connector)
