
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0

ESP32 based Open Source Weather Station

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An Open Source Solar-Powered Weather Station to monitor Temperature, Humidity, Air Pressure, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall, UV Index, and Lux Level

My goal is to make a Solar-powered wireless weather station by using an ESP32 Wifi Module and few common weather sensors available in the market. 

The weather station will be fully solar-powered, so no need to worry about the external power supply. You can install it in a remote place without laying long cables to provide power.

I have earlier posted two Instructables on Weather Stations ( Version -1.0 and Version-2.0) that were based on Wemos ( ESP8266) and are very popular on the internet. Based on the user's feedback, I tried my best to make a more powerful weather station by including some new features.

This Weather Station is such compact weather station that consists of several meteorological sensors that measure the following parameters:

1. Internal Temperature (BME280)

2. Humidity (BME280)

3. Barometric Pressure (BME280)

4. External Temperature (DS18B20)

5. Wind Speed ( Sparkfun Weather Meter )

6. Wind Direction ( Sparkfun Weather Meter )

7. Rain Gauge ( Sparkfun Weather Meter )

8. UV Index ( SI1145)

9. Lux Level ( BH1750 )

I have designed a customized PCB for this project. It is designed in such a way that you can conveniently integrate different combinations of sensors according to your actual application needs.

Why a Weather Station?

Imagine you are residing at a place that is far away from the meteorological department. In such a case, the weather predictions you get may not be the most precise. This is where home weather stations become more advantageous. This small weather station can provide accurate data regarding the weather parameters of where you live.

Today, data on localized weather, known as microclimates, is the new frontier for more precise and accurate weather forecasting. As a result, the collection of weather data is becoming increasingly smaller and gridded.


The applications of this type of small portable weather station are vast in the area of smart agriculture, smart city, solar power plants, construction site, etc.

Update On 24.05.2021

Now You can order the fully assembled PCB V3.0 from PCBWay. Please note that no sensors are included in the PCB, but you will get an ESP32 dev board and a Solar panel in the package.

Schematic Diagram V3.1.pdf

Schematic Diagram V3.0

Adobe Portable Document Format - 108.86 kB - 10/07/2021 at 15:17


Gerber Files

PCB Gerber Files for V3.1

x-zip-compressed - 142.14 kB - 10/07/2021 at 15:15


Schematic Diagram V3.0.pdf

Schematic Diagram V3.0

Adobe Portable Document Format - 108.63 kB - 10/07/2021 at 15:12


Gerbe Files V3.0.rar

PCB Gerber Files for V3.0

RAR Archive - 131.26 kB - 10/07/2021 at 15:10


  • 1 × ESP32 Dev Kit V1- 30 Pins
  • 1 × TP4056 Charger Module
  • 1 × Barometric Pressure sensor BME280
  • 1 × Temperature Sensor - DS18B20
  • 1 × UV Index Sensor - GY1145

View all 24 components

  • Weather Station Installation

    Open Green Energy10/08/2021 at 10:02 0 comments

    Once you have confirmed that your weather station PCB along with all the sensors, working perfectly, you need to design and make a mount for it. I have used a wooden pole ( 4cm x 8cm x 300 cm ) to mount the sensors and the 3D-printed Stevenson Screen.

    If you purchase the entire Weather Meters Kit, then you don't have to worry about mounting the wind and rain sensor. But if you purchase the independent sensor, you may need some mounting arrangements. I found a nice wind sensor holder from Thingiverse.

    First I mount the wind sensors ( Wind Vane and Anemometer ) by using the 3D printed wall mounts. I have installed the wind vane and anemometers by using cable ties. After that, mounted them on the wooden pole by using two screws. You can see the above picture for a better understanding.

    Similarly, I have mounted the rain sensor on the wooden pole. But the holder used for it is a ready-made one. In the future, I will make a 3D printed holder for it so you don't have to buy it.

    At last, mount the external temperature sensor ( DS18B20 ) on the pole by using cable ties. After installing all the sensors, you have to route all the cables from the sensors to the Stevenson Screen.

    Note: Always use good quality cable ties which is specially made for outdoor use ( UV-resistant ).

    Now it is time to install the Stevenson Screen which we have made earlier. Install the Bottom Mount on the wooden pole by using 4 screws.

    Suitable Location for Installation:

    The location of your weather station is the most important part of the installation. If your weather station is located under a tree or an overhang, the rainfall data measured by the station will not be correct. If you place your weather station in an alley, you could very well get a wind tunnel effect on the anemometer, resulting in erroneous wind data. If you want to measure sunlight you cannot have the sensor in a shadow. So make sure that there is sufficient clearance around and above the weather station.

    You can read this nice article on Weather Station Installation.

  • Conclusion and Future Goal

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 15:03 0 comments

    It took me a lot of time to make the circuit, making the PCB prototype, rectifying the errors in the PCB prototype, testing the PCB, making the enclosure, and then assembling and installing them. So I had not enough time left to concentrate on the software part. I am entering this project in Microcontroller Contest, the deadline is 29.03.2021. So I have no option to wait and complete the full software. The software attached here is a basic building block of the project, I will update it regularly with new features.

    My future goals are :
    1. Software for Implementing ESPHome and Home Assistant

    2. Software for implementing MQTT

    3. Optimizing the Power Consumption

    4. Implementing LORA communication ( Probably in V4.0 )

    Comments and feedback are always welcome.

  • Interfacing With Blynk App

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 15:02 0 comments

    Blynk is the most popular Internet of Things platform for connecting any hardware to the cloud, designing apps to control them, and managing your deployed products at scale. With Blynk Library you can connect over 400 hardware models including ESP8266, ESP32, NodeMCU & Arduino to the Blynk Cloud.

    Step-1: Download the Blynk app

    1. For Android

    2. For iPhone

    Step-2: Get the Auth Token

    In order to connect the Blynk App and your hardware, you need an Auth Token.

    1. Create a new account in the Blynk App.

    2. Press the QR icon on the top menu bar. Create a clone of this Project by scanning the QR code shown above. Once it detected successfully, the whole project will be on your phone immediately.

    I've made the Sol Weather Station app. You are welcome to try it out!

    To start using it:

    1. Download Blynk App:

    2. Touch the QR-code icon and point the camera to the code below 3. Enjoy my app!

    3. After the project was created, we will send you Auth Token over email.

    4. Check your email inbox and find the Auth Token.

    Step-3: Preparing Arduino IDE for Wemos Board
    To upload the Arduino code to Wemos board, you have to follow this Instructables

    Step-4: Arduino Sketch
    After installing the above libraries, paste the Arduino code given below. Enter the auth code from step-1,ssid, and password of your router. Then upload the code.

  • Uploading Sensor Data to ThingSpeak

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:57 0 comments

    First, create an account on ThingSpeak.

    Then create a new Channel on your ThingSpeak account.

    Find How to Create a New Channel Fill Field 1 as Temperature, Field 2 as Humidity, Field 3 Pressure, Field 4 as UV Index, Field 5 as Wind Speed, Field 6 as Wind Direction, Field 7 as Rain Fall, and Field 8 as Battery Voltage

    In your ThingSpeak account select “Channel” and then “My Channel”.

    Click on your channel name.

    Click on “API Keys” tab and copy the “Write API Key”

    Open the Solar_Weather_Station_ThingSpeak code.

    Replace the “WRITE API ”with the copied “Write API Key”.

  • Software and Libraries

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:54 0 comments

    To use the ESP32 board with the Arduino library, you'll have to use the Arduino IDE with ESP32 board support. If you haven't already done that yet, you can easily install ESP32 Board support to your Arduino IDE by following this tutorialby Sparkfun.

    Install Libraries:

    Before uploading the code install the following libraries :

    1. ESP32


    3. BME280

    4. Adafruit_SI1145_Library

    5. BH1750

    6. One Wire

    7. Dallas Temperature

    Arduino Test Code:

    //                                                                                      //
    //                 Solar WiFi Weather Station V3.0 Firmware                             //
    //                                                                                      //
    //             Developed by Debasish Dutta, Last Update: 30.03.2021                     //                 
    //                                                                                      //
        #include <BME280I2C.h>
        #include "Adafruit_SI1145.h" 
        #include <BH1750.h>     
        #include <DallasTemperature.h> 
        #include <OneWire.h>   
        #include "Wire.h"    
        #include <WiFi.h>      
        #include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>   
        #include "esp_deep_sleep.h" //Library needed for ESP32 Sleep Functions  
      //=================== Pin assignment definitions ==========================================
        #define WIND_SPD_PIN 14
        #define RAIN_PIN     25
        #define WIND_DIR_PIN 35
        #define VOLT_PIN     33 
        #define TEMP_PIN 4  // DS18B20 hooked up to GPIO pin 4
        WiFiClient client;
        BME280I2C bme;
        Adafruit_SI1145 uv = Adafruit_SI1145();
        BH1750 lightMeter(0x23);    
        OneWire oneWire(TEMP_PIN);
        DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
      //=========================Declaring Variables and Constants ================================== 
      // Variables used in reading temp,pressure and humidity (BME280)
        float temperature, humidity, pressure;
     // Variables used in reading UV Index (Si1145)    
        float UVindex;  
     // Variables used in reading Lux Level( BH1750 ) 
        float lux;
     // Variables used in calculating the windspeed 
        volatile unsigned long timeSinceLastTick = 0;
        volatile unsigned long lastTick = 0;    
        float windSpeed;
     // Variables used in calculating the wind direction 
        int vin; 
        String windDir = "";
     // Variables and constants used in tracking rainfall
        #define S_IN_DAY   86400
        #define S_IN_HR     3600
        #define NO_RAIN_SAMPLES 2000    
        volatile long rainTickList[NO_RAIN_SAMPLES];
        volatile int rainTickIndex = 0;
        volatile int rainTicks = 0;
        int rainLastDay = 0;
        int rainLastHour = 0;
        int rainLastHourStart = 0;
        int rainLastDayStart = 0;
        long secsClock = 0;
     // Variables used in calculating the battery voltage 
        float batteryVolt;   
        float Vout = 0.00;
        float Vin = 0.00;
        float R1 = 27000.00; // resistance of R1 (27K) // You can also use 33K 
        float R2 = 100000.00; // resistance of R2 (100K) 
        int val = 0;     
    //=========================Deep Sleep Time ================================================ 
     //const int UpdateInterval = 1 * 60 * 1000000;  // e.g. 0.33 * 60 * 1000000; // Sleep time  
     //const int UpdateInterval = 15 * 60 * 1000000;  // e.g. 15 * 60 * 1000000; // // Example for a 15-Min update interval 15-mins x 60-secs * 10000
     //========================= Enable Blynk or Thingspeak ===================================
     // configuration control constant for use of either Blynk or Thingspeak
     //const String App = "BLYNK";         //  alternative is line below
       const String App = "Thingspeak"; //  alternative is line above   
     //========================= Variables for wifi server setup =============================
      // Your WiFi credentials.
      // Set password to "" for open networks.
      char ssid[] = "XXXX"; // WiFi Router ssid
      char pass[] = "XXXX"; // WiFi Router password
      // copy it from the mail received from Blynk
      char auth[] = "XXXX"; 
      // Thingspeak Write API
      const char* server = "";
      const char* api_key = "XXXX"; // API write key 
    //========================= Setup Function ================================================ 
      void setup() 
    Read more »

  • 3D Printed Enclosure

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:49 0 comments

    The ideal enclosure for keeping the weather sensors is the Stevenson Screen. A Stevenson screen is an enclosure to shield meteorological sensors against precipitation and direct heat radiation from outside sources, while still allowing air to circulate freely around them.

    My friend Glen from New Zealand helped me to make this professional-grade Stevenson Screen. I really appreciate his help in making this project successful.

    This has a simple wall mount and a 2 part cover to isolate the heat transfer from the solar panel. The V3.0 design has a provision for mounting a UV Index sensor on the top. Apart from this, the top cover for mounting solar panel is kept away from the main enclosure to avoid heat transfer from the solar panel to the interior part of the enclosure.

    The Stevenson Screen has 6 parts:

    1. PCB Mount Frame

    2. Bottom Plate

    3. Bottom Mount

    4. Middle Rings x 12 Nos

    5. Screen Top Cover

    6. Top Cover for Solar Panel Mount ( Solar Panel Size: 110 x 69 mm )

    7. M6 Rod x 4 Nos

    I used my Creality 3D printer and 1.75 mm white PLA filament to print the parts. I will recommend using ABS or PTEG filament instead of using PLA.

    You can refer to the above explosion diagram to assemble the 3D printed parts.

    You can download the .STL files from Thingiverse

    You can download the STEP files from GRABCAD for any modification.

  • PCB Fabrication

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:48 0 comments

    Once we are completed the PCB design we just need to click the “Gerber Output” button, save the project and we will be able to download the Gerber files which are used to manufacturing the PCB.

  • PCB Design

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:47 0 comments

    I have drawn the schematic by using EasyEDA online software after that switched to PCB layout.

    All of the components you added in the schematic should be there, stacked on top of each other, ready to be placed and routed. Drag the components by grabbing on its pads. Then place it inside the rectangular borderline.

    Arrange all the components in such a way that the board occupies minimum space. The smaller the board size, the cheaper will be the PCB manufacturing cost. It will be useful if this board has some mounting holes on it so that it can be mounted in an enclosure.

    Now you have to route. Routing is the most fun part of this entire process. It’s like solving a puzzle! Using the tracking tool we need to connect all the components. You can use both the top and the bottom layer for avoiding overlap between two different tracks and making the tracks shorter.

    You can use the Silk layer to add text to the board. Also, we are able to insert an image file, so I add an image of my website logo to be printed on the board. In the end, using the copper area tool, we need to create the ground area of the PCB. Now the PCB is ready for manufacturing.

    You can order it from PCBWay

    Note: When you place an order, I will get 10% donation from PCBWay for contribution to my work. Your little help may encourage me to do more awesome work in the future. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Update On 24.05.2021
    Now You can order the fully assembled PCB V3.0 from PCBWay. Please note that no sensors are included in the PCB, but you will get an ESP32 dev board and a Solar panel in the package.

    Update on 01.05.2021
    The PCB V3.0 is updated to V3.1, a small change in the I2C ports ( P1, P2, and P3 ) The sequence of pins are changed from ( VCC, GND, SDA, SCL ) to ( VCC, GND, SCL, SDA ) Note: The PCB V3.0 is working perfectly, but you need extension wires to connect the sensor modules in ports P1, P2, and P3.

    Update on 09.09.2021

    The PCB V3.1 is updated to V3.2, upgrade from 200mA LDO ( MCP1700 ) to 500mA LDO ( TC1262-3.3V ) to make the power supply more stable. You can download the Gerber files or buy the PCB V3.2 from PCBWay

    You can download the earlier Gerber files for PCB V3.0 and V3.1 from PCBWay.

  • Solar Panel Selection

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:42 0 comments

    The amount of solar insolation varies according to which part of the globe you are located at. To find out the amount of solar insolation in your area, you can use the Global Solar Atlas. By taking consideration into a minimum of 1 hour of full sunlight, we are going to select the solar panel.

    From the previous step, it is concluded that the average current consumption is 7.5 mA

    Charge required for running the device for the whole day = 7.5 mA x 24 Hours = 180 mAh

    So, our target is to generate 180 mAh in 1 hour.

    To charge a 3.7V Li-Ion battery, a solar panel of voltage 5 to 6V is adequate.

    Required Solar Panel rating = 180 mA at a voltage of around 5 to 6 volts.

    Solar panel rating = 180 mA x 5V = 0.9 Watt, by considering some losses, I have selected a higher rating solar panel.

    Solar Panel Selected: I have used a 5V,250mA Solar Panel ( 110 x 69 mm)

  • ESP32 - Thingspeak-Deep-Sleep

    Open Green Energy10/07/2021 at 14:39 0 comments

    The heart of our Weather Station is an ESP8266 SOC which is a power-hungry chip. When your project is powered by a plug-in the wall, you tend not to care too much about power consumption. But if you are going to power your project with batteries, every mA counts.

    Our objective is to run the device by using a 18650 Li-Ion battery. To run the ESP32 by using a battery, we have to lower the power consumption. To do that, we’ll use the Deep Sleep Mode which is the most power-efficient option for the ESP chip. It allows to put the ESP32 into hibernation and saves the battery. You can wake up the ESP at regular intervals to make measurements and publish them.

    Calculating Battery Life:

    The ESP32 consumes around 75mA in normal operation and hits about 150mA while transmitting data over WiFi. and in Deep Sleep about 10uA. The ESP32 takes ~ 30secs to upload data.

    Battery Life calculations:

    Battery Used: 3400mAh / 3.7V 18650 Li-Ion

    Publish Interval = 10mins ( ON Time: 30 sec and Sleep Time: 9 mins 30 sec )

    Total number of Readings / Hour = 60/10 = 6

    Power consumption per hour (ON time) = 6 x 150 mA * 30 / 3600 = 7.5mA

    Sleep time = 6 x 10uA * 570 / 3600 = 0.0095 mA

    Total time in hours on battery = 3400 / (7.5+0.0095) = 452.76Hrs

    Total days on battery = 452.76/24 = 18.86 Days

    I have prepared an excel sheet for calculating the battery life. It is attached below, you can use it.

    Image Credit:

View all 19 project logs

  • 1
    Assembling the PCB

    After receiving the board from the PCB fab house, you have to solder the components. For Soldering, you will need a decent Soldering Iron, Solder, Nipper.

    First I cut the straight male and female headers pin for ESP32 Board, TP4056, BME280, and jumper JP1. Following are the details about the headers :

    1. ESP Board - 2 x 15pins ( Female )

    2. BME280 - 1 x 4pins ( Female )

    3. UV Sensor - 1 x 4pins ( Female )

    4. Lux Level Sensor - 1 x 4pins ( Female )

    5. Spare I2C Port - 1 x 4pins ( Female )

    4. Jumper JP1- 1 x 2pins ( Male )

    It is good practice to solder the components according to their height. Solder the lesser height components first. I have started by soldering the resistors, switch and then moved towards the bigger components like headers pin, screw terminal, and battery holder.

  • 2
    Soldering the TVS Diode

    In the entire PCB, the lesser height component is the TVS diode which is the only SMD component used in this project. You can see the datasheet.

    First, apply soldering flux on all 6 pads and then apply a small amount of solder to the corner pads. Place and align the diode chip using tweezers. Hold the chip in place while touching the pads with the tip of the soldering iron so that the solder melts the pin and the pad together.

    Be sure the dot symbol on the PCB and the TVS diode is matching together. The dot symbol represents pin number -1.

    Now apply solder to all the pads, and you are done. If you mess up during the soldering, you can remove the extra solder by using a desoldering wick.

    You can read this tutorial if you are new to soldering SMD components by using a soldering iron. By the way, I am also learning.

    Note: Without the use of this TVS diode not affect the functionality of the weather station, it provides additional protection to the circuit.

  • 3
    Soldering the Resistors and Ceramic Capacitor

    By considering the component height, after the TVS diode, the next component is the resistor and then ceramic capacitors. Bend the resistor legs and insert them into the PCB holes. Solder the legs and trim the extra legs by using a nipper.

    During soldering always refer to the schematic diagram to avoid any mistakes. The schematic diagram is attached below. You should take a printout and keep it side when soldering.

    Similarly, solder the ceramic capacitors. Note that ceramic capacitors do not have any polarity, so you can solder in any way, it will work.

View all 15 instructions

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