
BADGE FOR SUPERCON.6 / November 2022

After three years... Supercon again!
And the new badge too!

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4-bit processor simulated by 16-bit MCU. Registers, flags, ALU, SP, two Data Memory pages, current Program Word and some internal logic states are displayed in binary form, with 272 LEDs.
- A total of 31 instructions
- Processing speed: adjustable (in runtime) from 250,000 ips to 0.5 ips, plus Single Step
- Program Memory: 4096 pgm words × 12 bits
- Data Memory: 256 nibbles (32 visible in real time)
- 5-deep Subroutine Stack
- Opcodes/Operands are 4-bit aligned, visible on 3×16 LED disassembler display
- Three ways of programming:
1. Direct, using on-board buttons in Binary or Select mode
2. Indirect, using 2-pass assembler, created by Mike Szczys
3. Save/Load to/from computer or other badge (using serial I/O) or internal flash
- Bootloader for firmware update
- I/O port with 4-bit IN and 4-bit OUT
- 3V (2×AA) Battery supply
- SAO port with Serial I/O
- Detailed User Manual
- Dimensions 17.5×9.

Reflash to version Badge Berlin

Please download, unzip and read the attached .TXT file

x-zip-compressed - 10.75 kB - 04/28/2023 at 19:31


Badge Berlin

- The new version of firmware, created in February 2023. - The year and v1r1 extension are generic, that`s why it's 2022 v1r1. - Contains new functions described in Manual Rev4a.pdf, and some minor bug fixes - This version of firmware was prepared for the Berlin conference, but due to a manufacturing error in China, the old version was programmed. - To open the project, install MPLAB X IDE - To program using MPLAB X IPE, use this file: \dist\default\production\Badge2022_v1r1.production.hex (the year and v1r1 extension are generic)

x-zip-compressed - 322.08 kB - 04/27/2023 at 18:14


1 Manual Rev4a.pdf

User Interface, Commands and Modes of Operation

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1013.21 kB - 11/11/2022 at 20:45


2 Instruction Set Rev4.pdf

Detailed explanation of all instructions

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.05 MB - 11/03/2022 at 02:25


3 SFR Rev4a.pdf

Special Function Registers. NOTE: Revision 4a (Nov.03.2022) contains an error fix (page 24, KeyReg). Please use this revision if you have Rev4 or lower.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 647.36 kB - 11/04/2022 at 03:07


View all 10 files

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Nicolas Schurando wrote 10/19/2022 at 10:36 point

Hey Voja, quick question: What would be the recommended way to add I2C? I would love to make a few add-ons boards, and offer them to encourage creativity. One in particular I have in mind would be to use the 12-pin connector to provide a proper I2C SAOv2 connector. I see two options:
1) Use a gpio out for SCL, and a clever circuit of gpio in and out with resistors for SDA;
2) Or use a SC18IM704 UART to I2C-bus bridge on the RX and TX lines.

Any thoughts?

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/21/2022 at 05:35 point

I'm not sure that it will be a feature in the version prepared for the Supercon, but maybe in the next one. There is a bootloader, so it will be easy to upgrade with an inexpensive USB/UART converter.

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fid wrote 10/18/2022 at 23:38 point

I was reading 2 Instruction Set, page 16 of 39, MOV [NN], R0.  The example shows:

MOV [0x19], R0   1100 | 0110 | 1000   (Those are supposed to be the bits listed in the boxes.)

Should those bits be 1100 | 0001 | 1001 ? Perhaps I’m not understanding that one.

I am loving reading up on this badge for SuperCon. There are going to be a lot of superb hacks that everyone will be able to show.

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/18/2022 at 23:48 point

Good point. Corrected (it will appear in the new revision of all manuals in a few days)
Please keep reporting every error you spot in manuals!

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gatin00b wrote 10/18/2022 at 20:43 point

I first reported this on Hackaday's Discord channel, but there are a few discrepancies in the Instruction Set Manual of the badge. JR NN instruction in listed with opcode 0xF in the diagram while using 0xA in its description page which collides with MOV [XY],R0.

The other one I've noted was some of operations' affected flags were also mismatching between the diagram and their description page.

Also, on page 18 of instruction set manual, MOV PC, NN gets renamed LPC NN (which makes more sense to me)

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/18/2022 at 21:47 point

Thank you, gatin00b for your objections!
Fixed in the source file and it will appear in the next release of the manual.

I've checked and found only one wrong flag description (C flag in DEC RY). If you spotted more, please help me locate it.

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alan_r_cam wrote 10/18/2022 at 01:52 point

For those of us who can't make it to the conference - any chance of adding the PCB files?

Maybe, after the conference is over?

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/18/2022 at 02:01 point

PCB files and BOM will be published here tomorrow. 
Source and HEX files for firmware too.

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Ben Combee wrote 10/17/2022 at 03:15 point

Also, I'm a bit confused by the OR/AND/XOR instructions -- the encoding says that you can pick R0, R1, R2, or RS (3), but I cant' find anything in the docs explaining what RS is.  The docs for KEYSTATUS mention RS3 at the top, but that doesn't seem to match the register description.

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/17/2022 at 03:39 point

Now I'm confused - sorry, I wrote the manuals two years ago so I don't remember about details. Instructions OR/AND/XOR RX,RY work with all 16 registers equally and OR/AND/XOR R0,N with R0 only. Coding for R0,R1,R2,RS are valid for bit test/set/reset/toggle instructions only, but they are explained there (the bottom of pages). Please give me a pointer. (I guess that you are talking about 2 Instruction Set book?)

RS is OUT or IN register (0x0A or 0x0B) depended on the data flow (writing or reading). If the bit IOPos (WrFlags,1) is set, then OUT and IN are on addresses 0xFA and 0xFB. This was explained in SFR docs, WrFlags (0xF3).

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Ben Combee wrote 10/17/2022 at 03:44 point

You're right -- I mean the bit instructions, I just got confused in posting the question.  I missed the diagram that explained the OUT/IN register use because it didn't use the term RS again, so my text search in the document failed to find it.

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Ben Combee wrote 10/17/2022 at 02:48 point

Hi, @Voja Antonic!  In the Rev2 SFR docs, the diagram for SFRF2 (Sync) is the same as the one for KeyReg. Can you update that with the correct version?

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/17/2022 at 03:19 point

Corrected, thanks! If I didn't miss something, it was the error in register name, and the rest of the page is OK.

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matt venn wrote 10/15/2022 at 21:26 point

Hey Voja, is there an easy way to contribute to the docs? I can help fix typos/spellings

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/15/2022 at 22:13 point

Thank you, Matt, it would be great! My English is awful, so you can help a lot! There are three possible ways to do it:

1. The easiest way is to edit text in Acrobat, but I think that you would need Acrobat PRO then.
2. All docs were created in CorelDraw and then converted to PDF. So if you have Corel, I could send you CDR files.
3. Use Redact mode in Acrobat to note all modifications and errors, so that I can correct them.

What do you think?

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matt venn wrote 10/16/2022 at 07:53 point

None of those options are good for me. Does this work for you? It's a shared google drive of the pdf, with comments enabled.

I have added a few comments - can you see them? Hopefully you will also be able to make a fix on your doc and then comment them as completed (leave them open so I know I've already marked them)

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matt venn wrote 10/16/2022 at 08:03 point

btw the quality of the datasheet is very high, and your English is very good. There are only a few things to change

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SHAOS wrote 10/13/2022 at 05:50 point

Great design - looks super !!! :)
This badge is getting popular on Twitter right now ;)
20K+ impressions just from my account and counting :)
200+ likes and 36 retweets for the 1st twit in the thread:

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 10/13/2022 at 04:52 point

> it is still "on hold"

not anymore !

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Voja Antonic wrote 10/13/2022 at 04:56 point

You are right. Corrected!

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 10/13/2022 at 04:51 point

TTLer People at ask if it could be implemented in TTL chips.


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Voja Antonic wrote 10/13/2022 at 04:53 point

Why not in tubes and relays too :)

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 10/13/2022 at 05:01 point

exercise left to the reader ;-)

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Jim Bailey wrote 10/14/2022 at 02:35 point

Actually while not a badge, someone did make a small'ish relay computer that could be a breastplate armor - The "SBC Relay Trainer" the CPU is made of 82 DPDT relays.

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Andy Geppert wrote 04/19/2022 at 12:51 point

I look forward to buying one of these in the near future! Absolutely awesome. Voja's projects are inspirational and I learn a lot from them. This will go to the left of my Heathkit Microcomputer Learning System, which looks forward to a Monster 6502 showing up on the right side some day!

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Elliot Williams wrote 10/12/2022 at 13:34 point

Oh, you're in for a treat at 2022 Supercon.

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