
LoRa APRS 433 MHz battery powered beacon

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It has a WiFi Access Point for easy real time configuration. It sends: ham callsign, GPS or fixed coordinates, altitude, Volts and mA


Guido wrote 03/03/2024 at 11:16 point

Hello Joe, you're perfectly right! In fact the return loss definition is: RL = 10 Log (Pi / Pr) and therefore it must be maximized. However the instrument shows the S11 parameter (S11 = - RL) amd for this reason the instrument result (S11) must be minimized. 

A complete description for this ambiguity is here: (see "Return Loss is a misnomer" and the chapter "Sign").

I really appreciated your suggestion.


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Joe Dubner wrote 03/02/2024 at 22:57 point

> ... obtain the minimum return loss at 433 MHz.

If you want the antenna to work well, tune for *maximum* return loss.

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