
CubeMX design

A project log for Grid Tie inverter SMA Sunny Boy SB2500 openlogic

Try to reuse a SMA Sunny Boy 2500 Grid Tie inverter as an off grid inverter

climbinelectronicsClimbinElectronics 08/22/2022 at 18:570 Comments

Using STM32CubeMX the hardware peripherals of the STM32F405RG are set up. The most important hardware peripherals are timer 1, which drives the H-bridge at 16khz and the three ADCs, which sample the important signals at the moment where the signal is least disturbed, right before the PWM signal changes polarity. The Usart and the ADCs all use DMA for transfer, so as much CPU time is available as possible. After all ADC conversions are done, an interrupt is generated and the control loop can do it's thing.
