
ATTiny3226 led dot matrix driver board

An ATTINY3226 dot matrix driver board for the LTP-305HR LED matrix chip, using Arduino.

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An ATTINY3226 dot matrix driver board for the LTP-305HR LED matrix chip, using Arduino.
Beta-Testers --> Henry Knoepfle, Benjamin Williamson. These are chainable boards thru the I2C bus, Have a 'scalable' LCD display, scrolling, or wire up as a 'TIL311' emulator.

Just got a notice from Digi-Key that the LTP-305HR matrix chip has officially become obsolete! So this project has now officially become RETRO!

rev1's are available.......

working on getting rev2 built and tested, ( picture with vqfn package, on the left ).

Simplistic Arduino Example files on GitHub ---->

TIL311 Emulator mode is now working --- > 

files on github ----- >

I found  WAY better encoder control firmware on github, here it

is :

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The REV 2's are in!  The REV 2's are in!!  here is a short video ---->

Here is how the vqfn sits for soldering, looks like the three vias in the middle will have to be moved, so I can have a "lower fit", not to mention shorting out on the chips center pad!  So all is not lost, just have to re-spin some newer gerber files.

The socket pins will fit perfectly! Then when people wear out the obsolete, and extinct 5x7 dot matrix led chips, they can plug in a brand new one from EBAY.......

Soldering the small 20 pin 3mmX3mm VQFN is possible, here is a small video showing that it is in fact possible, if you have a small fan to blow away the solder fumes, and some magnification equipment, ( a loupe ) :-)    ----- >

Rev 2's are working OK, minor change to the control lines:

//################## Decimal Point Control ######################

//************************** rev1 *******************************
//int rowPins[7] = {1, 14, 2, 3, 13, 12, 11}; //-program ROW pins
//int colPins[6] = {5, 4, 0, 10, 16, 15 }; //-program COLUMN pins

//************************** rev2 *******************************
int rowPins[7] = {1, 16, 2, 3, 13, 12, 11};   //-program ROW pins
int colPins[6] = {5, 4, 0, 10, 15, 14 };   //-program COLUMN pins


I'll make a video of the versions ( VQFN / SOIC ) , ( new / old ) here shortly.

Time to get working on 'Rev 3' with an 0202 led matrix plug-in board, since the

display chips have become obsolete, in the mean time been seeing how the

RGB strips program up for quick SIGNS, --->

Here is a short video using the smaller REV2 VQFN 5x7 matrix display boards  in a custom CLOCK application :

A more complete logger : 

It appears that the carrier board with the 202 led's have been bumped down in priority in favor of the

encoder carrier board: 

Ok, now that the ATTINY3226 I2C encoder pcb is working, I can get back to making the rev 3 matrix display pcb with 0603 leds. :-)

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haroldmoore949 wrote 12/25/2022 at 01:35 point

Wish the files section files were removeable, real old stuff! I'll put the newest files up with a

Git Hub link!

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morgan wrote 12/25/2022 at 02:46 point

you can but the UI is odd, at the bottom of the Files section there is an Edit Files button, from that next page you can delete.

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haroldmoore949 wrote 12/25/2022 at 18:46 point

Thanks! hard to see the 'YES' after hitting the 'X'  :-)

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haroldmoore949 wrote 02/17/2022 at 15:08 point

Look at the You Tube links!

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