Inspiration and/or examples of working principle
Tetrinsic can be thought of as a merge between the form factor of a motorised fader, the infinite movement and adjustable configurations of the SmartKnob View and the force/position sensing like a Force Sensitive Linear Resistor (FSLR).
Instead of a single FSLR, the above video use a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) and soft membrane potentiometer (trade name SoftPot / ThinPot) to get the same thing. Tetrinsic obtains position via a magnetic angle sensor like SmartKnob View.
The visible area is designed to be as minimalist as possible, so that things like an LCD backlight can be used for designs:
Unlike the Flux Keyboard, tactility and actuation force can be tuned to ones precise tastes in software.
The title tag system is explained here, and the table is updated when a change occurs. Notable logs have bold L# text.
[Sometime 2023]
Finding out about hall effect switches and their potential double-action feature, I started researching double-action switches.
Small tactile switches (0.6N, 1.6N) do exist, but from pressing my camera's shutter button, their second actuation force is too high for all but the thumb. I discovered Riskable's Void switches and how the design could allow for adjustable actuation force without the need for an electrical connection to the keyboard PCB. Magnets seemed to be quite cheaper than buying 0.8N and 0.5N tactile switches, and allows for LED backlighting because the components needed are smaller.
On Sep 14 2022, I changed the design to centre around a mini BLDC motor connected to a 2GT belt that also acts as the keycap surface. This was inspired by various open source projects (namely the SmartKnob View) and uses the motor and force sensors to simulate different sliders and tactility, as well as make the weight and amount of actuation points software adjustable.
The motor is also used to reduce the learning curve as much as practically possible, as my main question I thought of when learning to touch-type was "Where is the key? What finger do I use to press it?"