
Update 2022-05-01

A project log for MCM/70 Reproduction

I am making a full sized MCM/70 reproduction, a Canadian personal computer from 1974.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 05/01/2022 at 23:502 Comments

The project is at a bit of a pause right now while I wait for stuff. Dave from  is currently out of  OSI replacement keyboard PCBs. He is having some manufactured but it could be a couple of weeks. I'm reluctant to do any work on the keycaps until the keyboard is done. I have not as yet been able to obtain measurements for the MCM/70 so I can't begin modelling the case. If anyone knows of an MCM/70 out there please let me know. 

While I'm waiting I have been making a Sinclair ZX80 clone based on [Cees Meijer]’s excellent writeup (also see: A ZX80 WITH A PROPER CASE).


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Cees Meijer wrote 05/03/2022 at 06:13 point

Thanks for your praise ! But you forgot to mention the 24/7 support.. ;-)

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Michael Gardi wrote 05/03/2022 at 13:07 point

You are right Cees. It sure is nice being able to go right to the source for smart answers to my dumb questions. Much appreciated.

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