
Flight Simulator Force Feedback Yoke

A DIY force feedback yoke for flight for X-Plane flight simulator (later also for Microsoft flight sim)

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A DIY force feedback yoke for flight for X-Plane flight simulator (later also for Microsoft flight sim).

My aim was to try and keep it as simple and easy to build as possible. However, you will need to have basic mechanical and electronics skills.

In final design and beta testing. About half the components are easily available on the web, the other half will need to be 3D printed so you will need a decent 3D printer or have a printer service make them for you. I will be posting the 3D print files here.
I am using a Teensy (Arduino compatible) controller and my own firmware which I will be also posting here.
I am also writing a software application in VB.Net that needs to run on the flight sim computer (Windows only) that will be the interface between the flight simulator and the yoke (USB). I will be also posting that application here.

I opened the public chat feature here. It would be great to hear from anyone that is interested to build this.

General Specs

Pitch axis:
Range = 10 inches
Max force =  8 lbs

Roll axis:
Range = 180 deg
Max force = 4 lbs


The prototype is already built and generally working with X-Plane although refinements continue. 

Demonstration of auto homing

Demonstration of positioning to X-Plane

Demonstration feedback from X-Plane

The build instructions and related documentation are work in progress. I hope to complete them by mid to end May 2022. 

The build instructions will not specify each and every fasteners (screws, washers, nuts, etc) needed to mount components. I recommended buying a kit of assorted length M5 fasteners like this one:
I will call out specially fasteners in the instructions.  

3D printed objects: The dimensional tolerance for these parts needs to be about +/- 250um (.25mm). If your printer cannot achieve that, I would recommend using a print service than can. 
Know the material shrinkage for your printer and apply it to the print objects to achieve the best dimensional accuracy. For example, I know that objects shrink by about 2% after they cool on my printer, so I scale all objects by +2% (X, Y and Z) before printing. The STL files I am providing are NOT scaled.
I recommend ABS material, not PLA. 
I designed the parts to require as little "support" material as possible, however some parts will require it. Make sure you are orienting the object correctly on your print bed to limit support material. 

Teensy main V1.0.cpp

plain - 16.62 kB - 01/08/2023 at 13:31


Elevator axis front pulley.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 1020.31 kB - 04/07/2022 at 23:28


Elevator axis front right pulley mount.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 194.25 kB - 04/07/2022 at 23:28


Elevator axis front left pulley mount​.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 194.68 kB - 04/07/2022 at 23:28


Elevator axis motor assembly left mount.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 209.59 kB - 04/07/2022 at 22:01


View all 6 files

View all 5 instructions

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pablofridman wrote 08/09/2024 at 00:53 point

Great project!! any positilities to migrate your code for arduino ?

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dpruitt429 wrote 03/08/2023 at 19:38 point

pardon my mistakes I am new to all of this. I ment to say I don't understand the pin descriptions

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dpruitt429 wrote 03/08/2023 at 19:36 point

is there going to be a wiring diagram, I don't under where the pins go.  Have gooled P_R etc and I dont' know what they mean

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dpruitt429 wrote 03/08/2023 at 19:34 point

are you going to add a wiring diagram, I don't know what the pin description refer to thanks Dave

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robe.maurice wrote 06/27/2022 at 15:00 point

Wonderful project. Really interested. Finally a real FFB. Congratulations.

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Daniele wrote 06/27/2022 at 13:01 point

Hello Tim, this is a great project and I am very interested in eventually building this.

Do you have an ETA for publishing the rest of the project including your Firmware and software?

I am using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 so I would like to know when eventually you add support for this? Currently I am using XPForce and I was wondering if your VB.NET is compatible with XPForce given that MSFS 2020 does not have native support for force feedback.

I hope you will be able to complete this project soon. I am looking forward to it.

Once again, congratulations for what you have done.

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Tim wrote 01/08/2023 at 13:41 point

Hi Daniele, Look like XPForce would be good way to it working with MS Flight Sim. I need to look into further, but first I need to get the yoke project fully documented for XPlane. 

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mcclxvii wrote 06/03/2022 at 12:13 point

Hello Tim, I am very interested in force feedback yoke. Do you know when you might post the teensy code and the VB.NET software application?

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Tim wrote 01/08/2023 at 13:42 point

I just posted the Teensy firmware version 1.0.

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eric.dozi wrote 04/05/2022 at 17:10 point

good project, interested 

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