
[A] Putting design effort into Soapavr (gd0146)

A project log for SlimeSaver [gd0105]

Combining MSLA and LOM to eliminate the time spent cleaning the slime.

kelvinakelvinA 07/15/2024 at 07:180 Comments

I'm planning for the main ground-floor level project logs to be written on #SecSavr Soapavr [gd0146], with the Suspense being the "this could be all the possibilities"-type research project. I just like to have the peace-of-mind that I didn't implement feature XYZ because I weighed the pros and cons and not because I didn't even know it was a valid option in the first place.

The name could use some work though. It's no longer the shape of a bar of soap nor is a stepping-stone project, so it's now tough to get branding-energy behind it (unlike #Coaxial8or [gd0144] for example).
