01/05/2023 at 08:34 • 0 commentsAfter some months of use and adding some more power hungry modules I decided to overhaul the whole thing.
- I made some PSU a while back, using a QUI DC/DC converter.
- There's those handy USB-PD module from China which are capable of deliver 20V and a reasonable current if connected to proper USB-PD PSU.
- If I mount the rails a bit different, I'm able to squeeze in a 1U row as well.
Unfortunately one of those PSU had some issues. so I made new ones, this time directly using ±12V DC output modules instead the ±15V DC and 7812/7912 I had before. Just more caps. My rack is less LOOK MOM NO COMPUTER and LOOK MOM A BEOWULF CLUSTER OR ARMS anyway.
During the build time, I found there's no USB-PD eurorack power module available easily. That's probably my next project, since the ability to power your rack from a beefy powerbank when ambient DAW less jamming in the woods seems pretty handy to me, and today most laptops a USB-PD powered anyway.
Stupid me found this today
05/27/2022 at 09:48 • 0 commentsFor another next build, or if you pick up a briefcase which don't fit your rails so good. I found those today for quite a reasonable price.
https://www.etsy.com/ch/listing/266275709/hulle-bugelsets?click_key=3dd7af737fb83120682b77c1d57100abee8d2932%3A266275709&click_sum=c7ce6fec&ref=sim_strv-3&variation0=2190176709I maybe gonna get some for a reboot of my modular modular case.
File uploaded
05/24/2022 at 21:25 • 0 commentsI uploaded the dxf for the front panel holding the elecrronics from the nitfty case. Missing the holes of my headphone stereo output, since I drilled it afterwards. It can maybe used to make a 1U panel as well, it almost look like 1U but its not.
Lost the standoff which hold both the rails unfortunately but those schould be done fitting your briefcase and pieces of wood anyway.