Receives and analyzes IR remote control signals in a small ATtiny13 package.
Switches three channel output pins on and off if correct switching codes are received,
If at startup a certain portpin is held low, the chip enters the self learning mode:
- The first channel output blinks red.
- The chip waits for IR signals, if two signal bursts occur which have the same 16 bits at the end, this combination is associated with the first channel's ON command,
- The association of this channel is confirmed by a 5 second long pause with this output pin active.
- The second channel blinks yellow and waits for IR signal bursts. If two of those occur, the second channel's ON combination is set and the five second long confirmation period occurs.
- In the same manner the codes for the ON combination of the third channel (green) and the three OFF combinations for the channels are collected.
- All codes are stored in the EEPROM and read in at startup.
See more details on the webpage. Occupies 290 words of program memory space (580 bytes).