
The Atmega Hearth

Lets imagine a cheap core for all your breadboard µC Projects.

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I found the Atmega16L-AI a nice and cheap µC. After I got some for free I just thought about how to use them. Unfortunately the TQFP44 package is not realy "breadboardfriendly" or usable for quick hacks. So this is a small and really simple circuit board which features a 2.54mm grid so that the circuit board can easy be placed on breadboards. Additional there is a mounting place for the ICSP Header, an oszillator and a DycoLed. I like to create circuit boards but its usually rather expensiv to order some (And I'm not in the mood to create them by myself), so i ordered a bunch of these small and cheap boards to get a rather good price.

The next Steps are:
- Show off some recent projects using this core
- Create some new projects with this core
- Show off some possibilities to create connected "multicore" projects
- Add more documentation
- Find some people who like the Idea (or even also want some boards)

The board is rather simple. It only features the Atmega16L, the default components, a ICSP header, a DycoLed and the Pinheads for all Ports.

The schematic was turned into a small board. I espacially took care, that all pinheads properly line up with the 2,54mm (0.1") grid for easy integration on bread boards.

The main feature in my eyes is the standardized I2C-Connector on the right side. I planned to try to replace or extend some existing I2C-Devices.

I'm curious what kind of next iterations are possible. F.Ex.

- add a smd voltage regulator

- add a protection circuit

- add RF connection

- add LIN connection

- remove the dyco LED

- ... let me know ;-)

  • 1 × Atmega16L-8AI Microprocessor
  • 1 × Oszillator 16MHz
  • 1 × Atmega Hearth Circuit Board
  • 1 × DycoLed

View all 15 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Get the Atmega Hearth Circuit Board

  • 2
    Step 2

    Solder the Atmega16L-8AI to the circuit board

  • 3
    Step 3

    Solder the 10k Pullup for the Reset Line

View all 5 instructions

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davedarko wrote 10/04/2014 at 06:53 point
Are comments to logs invisible again?

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Stefan-Xp wrote 10/05/2014 at 15:29 point
Nope, i have seen it, but I was on vacation this Weekend.
Thank you. I just wrote a reply.

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davedarko wrote 10/05/2014 at 17:29 point
okidokes :)

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Stefan-Xp wrote 08/27/2014 at 20:19 point
Why should i may want that?

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davedarko wrote 08/27/2014 at 21:41 point
well, it started on ... it's a joke. I did not want to insult you, but invite you to it, since you have one of 750 projects that will not go to space, like I have two. Because the blog posted stuff like "astronaut or astronot" I thought it would be a nice tag... anyways, I like your project and intend on using your project example as log style on my fubarinoSD project :)

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Stefan-Xp wrote 08/28/2014 at 15:14 point
Well i wasn't insulted, but i didn't get the joke :-D
Thank you ;)

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davedarko wrote 08/16/2014 at 07:52 point
Perfboard or Stripboard. And while I got your attention answering this 18 days old question, how about a hearth 3x3x3 LED cube as project 5? I'm looking for animation pattern ally ;)

Took me way to long to scroll down here, you may want to photoshop your thermometer dekolicht color pictures next to each other in one picture instead :) Ups, too slow.

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davedarko wrote 08/16/2014 at 07:54 point
although I thought that placing them all next to each other would look even cooler... and there is an "an" missing. This reply is also a fix since comments don't show in the feed right now.

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Stefan-Xp wrote 08/18/2014 at 19:01 point
I think you will lol i also already thought about this :-D
But the problems are:
- Size
- Lack of Coolness
- Light diffusion / distribution
- Lack of Stock of Dyco LEDs
BTW: 3x3x3 RGB-Color or single Color?
The composed Image Idea is great, thank you i will replace it :)

Best regards, Gruß Stefan

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davedarko wrote 08/18/2014 at 21:08 point
I just recycled some white leds (had a torch/flashlight with exactlcy 27 leds laying around)... cracking the coolness will come from the never before seen animations. I'm thinking of a demoscene for 3x3x3 matrices ;) well i'm just tired of shifting planes. My leds where clear and i diffused them with some acrylic paint - seems good enough. I would say one color per point is okay. So no rgb leds but you could use green yellow red for each layer... or red pink and blue...

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Stefan-Xp wrote 08/19/2014 at 17:28 point
Have you already done research for this project? Do you have an existing SW? Which type of Schematic will you use?

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davedarko wrote 08/19/2014 at 19:45 point
well research... the basics where given easily, 9 anodes and 3 cathodes. I joined the cathodes for each layer and each anode with it's lower and upper neighbor. PIN2-4 are the cathodes and 5-13 are the anodes (with a 100ohm resistor) on my atmega8 arduino clone. That's all it takes for this project, since the pins are 40mA safe and the LEDs get 15mA - super bright LEDs are still super bright LEDs then - and we want them almost dimmed and diffused.

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Stefan-Xp wrote 08/19/2014 at 20:28 point
Well well :)
So basically this HW Setup:

Do you have a piece of SW to share? Do you have some kind of Imagination for the "Animation Data Format"?

Best regards, Stefan

P.S.: For today its already to late to start :-/

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davedarko wrote 08/19/2014 at 22:37 point
the function animation would be the main part... there is a multidimensional boolean array in there, where the first dimension is the frame, then cathodes, then anodes and a boolean for on or off. The other functions are merely doodles. Here is my code so far...

don't feel pushed and hack as you like :) I spent the last 4 hours in soldering heaven :) the controller board for my fake nixie led matrix arrived and also my charlie-plexed duo led matrix boards which I had to debug...

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ClockworkJayo wrote 07/25/2014 at 20:56 point
A couple questions:
1) What makes your solution a "better" choice than many of the multitude of low-cost Atmega-based boards?
2) How does your solution retain breadboard-friendliness if it has rows of pins in two directions? Would this not lead to a row of pins being connected together by the breadboards substructure?

All-in-all, great board layout, and I like your detailed list of example projects. :)

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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/28/2014 at 14:09 point
first off, thank you for your comments.
1) have you found a circuit board for the atmega16? Since i got a lot of them i wanted to use them, despite the cost difference is not that great. The Pro's and cons:
+ It uses my Atmega16L from stock
+ It features a DycoLed land pattern
+ It features a "daisy chainable" "I2C"-Connector for Power and connectivity
+ The circuit board - Atmega is cheaper than a comparable board
- The circuit board + Atmega is in low part counts more expensive than a comparable board.
2) I'm not absolutely certain about the translation, but i mean breadbords as circuit boards which are going to be permanently soldered. The bread boards are easy to make.

Best regards, Stefan

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davedarko wrote 07/28/2014 at 20:49 point

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davedarko wrote 07/21/2014 at 22:02 point
Okay, here are my questions, ordered and numbered :)
1a. So how many boards and atmegas do you have?
1b. since the atmega16L is cancelled, is it pin compatible to any other derivates of the atmega16?
2. there is an arduino tag - do you program your chips with the arduino software and bootloader?
3. Have you thought about a board that can take the common arduino shields?
4. What is your "connectedness" for the contest?
5a. What's the story of the display in example #3?
5b. How big is it?
5c. have you made that?
5d. Why is not on projects yet?
6. What is the bigger project mentioned on example #1?
7. Any spoilers for future projects?

Have a nice evening and gute Nacht!

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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/21/2014 at 22:25 point
Haha well thank you ;-)
Here are the answers:
1a.) ca. 20 left, Atmega16L ... A Lot :-D.
1b.) ?? I didn't check that yet.. how do you know?
2.) Yep. I like the convenience ;)
3.) Nope. I wanted to use them on breadboards, so i used the 0.1" grid (Its also smaller)
4.) It is connected to other Atmega's and to an other device :)
5a.) I did this in Autumn 2013, they are Euro-Sized Boards with a white LED Matrix controlled by Atmega328, but it has some design flaws :-( And who wants a single color LED Matrix? ;-D
5b.) approx 450x200x35mm (lxwxh), 5x7x4 Leds (xxyxPanelCount)
5c.) Yep.
5d.) see 5a.) but i already thought about.
6.) Its the Alarmierungsuhr (Last Image Example 3), stay tuned ;)
7.) Potential Candidates are: RGB-Strip Controller, POV-Device, POV-Bike-Device, Bike Computer ;-D

Best Regards, Gute Nacht!

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davedarko wrote 07/21/2014 at 23:01 point
1b. hmm, I checked for prices and saw on mouser that they were cancelled but can't find it on atmel so I guess it is pin compatible. the letters follow some code but I guess it should be fine.
2. I started with atmega8s and avr-gcc, burning them with avr-dude but switched to arduino because of it's widespreadedness - making up words cause it is late.
3. I like the atmega nano/micro/mini boards, they fit all the breadboards and there are cheap as hell clones out there on ebay :)
4. I see. Some great projects suffer from that "lack of connectedness" and I was on the assumption that it has to be the internet now, since they changed their rules mid-running the contest.
5. I love displays and LED matrices in all colors. Just put it up here and point out your mistakes, but be careful, you might get inspired or motivated to rework it. I'm waiting for my fake nixietube boards - led matrices in tiny jam jars - so looking forward for this :) I also want to make a tiny wordclock, the pcb for an charlieplexed 10x11 3mm LED matrix is done, but this month was quite expensive and I don't want to start another project right now.
7. POV is a great way to work with bit-shifting, timings, has low hardware requirements (arduino+LEDs - muahaha) but is quite complex in its own way (I learned that on my 3D POV thing - still much to work on there). Any input on my open bicycle computer project would be highly appreciated, whenever you start a bike computer ;) I should make some updates soon.

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David Cook wrote 07/11/2014 at 04:21 point
I love your hand-drawn circuit board!


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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/11/2014 at 14:39 point
Thank you ;-) Some other people also asked me why it looks so spacy :-D

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