
Adding BLE to a "dumb" treadmill

I have a Gold Gym 410 which is perfect for my purposes. But I always had an itch about tapping into speed and inclination data.

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I have a treadmill.
I have "arduino" skills due to Covida.
I wanted to create a simple but meaningful project to present to my coworkers in order to ignite the curiosity in some of them. I decided to augment my treadmill capabilities with BLE in order to broadcast speed and inclination.

I have a treadmill.
I have "arduino" skills due to Covida.
I wanted to create a simple but meaningful project to present to my coworkers in order to ignite the curiosity in some of them. I decided to augment my treadmill capabilities with BLE in order to broadcast speed and inclination. I was prepared to reverse engineer complex communications between the motor and the control panel, but after looking at the schematics of my model, I realized that it came with an RPM sensor which would have been a great start. After a bit of Google-fu, I realized that this type of sensor - although in different shapes and forms - is very common in a lot of basic treadmills and it's a simple Reed switch coupled to some magnets on the pulley driving the belt, so things started to look great.
I was thinking that with an opto-isolator circuit I would be able to tap into this ready available datasource but to my surprise I discovered that, while the pulleys have embedded magnets, there is no RPM sensor / Reed switch installed at all. That means I can buy one on eBay and build a circuit around it.

I chose to use the nRF52 MCU in the shape of the Seeeduino BLE in order to do the heavy lifting. The switch/sensor is arriving in the mail. Next steps:

1. test the sensor with a simple CR2032 LED bread board circuit and figure out a 3D attachment harness

2. 3D print the harness

3. write BLE code. The new "sensor" will be a BLE peripheral with two subscribe-able attributes, speed (from the switch) and inclination (from a Time of Flight sensor that I still need to pick)

4. present to my coworkers as part of what I learned during Covida

5. profit

I will post progress in here.

  • Adapter PCB with IMU delivered

    Enzo Lombardi12/29/2022 at 20:08 0 comments

    I got the PCB back from PCBWay through their sponsorship program and it looks great:

    In the picture the IMU (bottom right) and the sensor pads (bottom left) are clearly visible.
    And of course, big center stage for the CR2032 battery holder.

    Fabrication quality is impressive, a quick test showed the MCU readings being accurate. In retrospect I should have use both sides of the MCU pins instead of just one, but I soldered a socket, that should work:

    I will use the remainder of this vacation time to bring the project to completion and present it to an audience of coworkers interested in learning about "Arduino" things. What's remaining?

    • actually putting it together, trivial
    • power code; for the advertising part it's done. I will need to code a way to wake up the MCU when the sensor triggers, still haven't figured out - from consumption perspective - what's a reasonable choice
    • BLE API. The MCU is powerful enough to store multiple "profiles". Each user can have the "mileage" stored on the MCU and it would be a matter of providing a "switch-user" write characteristic, which seems... logical. Real time measurements of speed and incline are user independent. So... trivial.
    • Display: an app on the phone? a separate device? a more sophisticated app that generates a random scenery based on speed an slope? an even more sophisticated app that can simulate the most famous marathon playfields?


    Stay tuna!

  • Sugru

    Enzo Lombardi09/01/2022 at 17:07 0 comments

    Still working on a good support for the sensor, but I decided that if I wanted to close the treadmill and make it usable for the time being, I had to compromise on using Sugru. For now.

  • Reading the slope using the MPU

    Enzo Lombardi08/24/2022 at 01:43 0 comments

    Today I spent some time with a trivial task. When you forget to call Wire.begin() bad things happen when you try to use I2C.

    Anyway, the code now reads the Y acceleration from the MPU and I built a table of  slope % as function of Y-accel.

    The LCD display was helpful in this and I am glad it worked. Now it's time to build a BLE service around this and start publishing values.

    Code in github is up to date.

  • First Github drop

    Enzo Lombardi08/22/2022 at 15:56 0 comments

    Here be the source code!

    Next steps: after being happy with the small Xiao BLE for the initial prototype phase (will it work? Of course!), I decided to use the Adafruit nrf528xx feather because of:

    • I already have a couple of LCD feathers. It will make the power testing much easier than a power hungry OLED display
    • I already have a bunch of IMU feather. I knew at one point these would turn useful, so I plan to stack both the display and the IMU, connect a battery and call it a day.
    • Last but not least. At maximum speed, the RPM reading doesn't seem consistent. I doubt it's the Reed switch (more likely is the treadmill board to be inaccurate due to the lack of feedback), but in order to have a reference part number I also ordered a bunch of these Reed switches:

    Stay tuned.

  • Proof of concept

    Enzo Lombardi08/21/2022 at 04:38 0 comments

    Proof of concept.
    It works. For now it displays a value that's a function of RPMs. Next step: BLE.

  • Rewriting RPM computation logic

    Enzo Lombardi08/15/2022 at 18:44 0 comments

    I am quite unhappy with the RPM computation logic as it seems to be prone to fluctuations.
    So I decided to see what happens if I actually count the number of ticks happened in the last second and multiply for 60. Or whatever timespan it takes so I can multiply by 15. It seemed too complicated until it hit me: I can use a circular buffer to record all "ticks" timestamps and when I want to compute the RPMs go over the array and count the ones that are within the last second. Pseudo code:

    #define MAX_RPMS 3000
    #define BUFFER_SIZE (MAX_RPMS / 15)
    uint64_t timestamps[BUFFER_SIZE]
    uint16_t index = 0;
    void tick() {
       timestamps[index] = millis();
       index %= MAX_RPMS;
    uint_16t getRPMs() {
       uint64_t cutoff = millis() - (60000/15);
       uint16_t result = 0;
       // can be optimized by going backward from index
       // but not worth here.
       for(int i=0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
          if (timestamp[i] > cutoff) {
       // minor optimization. I couldn't resist
       return (result << 4) - result;

    This code has also the proper side effect of returning 0 if the last tick was over a second older vs. using a different timing mechanism to zero the result.
    If this works in a satisfying manner, next step will be add some crude BLE code. 

  • RPM math

    Enzo Lombardi08/05/2022 at 18:02 0 comments

    Quick math to determine the RPM range.

    The pulley driving the belt has a diameter of 44mm.

    That puts the number of RPMs at 10mph to a bit shy of 2000.
    Which means that four digits are enough to accomodate the RPMs at unit precision.

    2000 RPMs is also 33.3 RPSs. Which gives a period of 30 milliseconds at maximum speed.

  • First cut at RPM calculation algorithm

    Enzo Lombardi08/05/2022 at 16:46 0 comments

    So the Reed Switch worked as expected, no brainer of course.

    I put together some code to compute the RPMs and display them on the Seeeduino Extender OLED display. If I display the result in RPMs, the output seems to be reasonably right, but if I divide further the fluctuation is bigger. Time to debug.

    Current code is here, I am suspecting something is wrong with the 5ms forced delay in the IRQ.

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Enzo Lombardi wrote 08/24/2022 at 01:45 point

It's very likely that you ProForm treadmill has the proper magnet in place. 
I am lazy too, but this is kind of fun. 

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zzzz2626 wrote 08/23/2022 at 22:56 point

I confess, I'm lazy. If I do something like this with my ancient (but still working) ProForm treadmill, I'd probably cheat by setting up the tachometer on the drive or driven roller, and run the treadmill at various speeds. 

And then use the tach readings as part of a lookup table, and skip the calculations. As I said -- I'm lazy.

Best of luck.

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